Here we are with what is likely the only Presidential debate of the 2024 campaign. It will probably be forgotten a week from now, but for the next few hours, it exists to provide us all with new, heightened forms of anxiety. Please take your blood pressure medication. This space is here for you to express those anxieties and, perhaps, talk about down payments on houses (this is why I love our readers — they debate affordable housing reform in a post about the media).
Here is a place for you to talk amongst yourselves during and after the debate if you choose. Or a place to read other people talking about the debate among themselves. Find solace in each other. Or yell at the drive-by troll.
The fact that this race is close.... Honestly depresses me so much. Look at this woman! She is competent! She is coherent! She will be a great president!
But she's tied with an orange windbag whose entire campaign would be considered elder abuse if he weren't such a repugnant individual.
Because he gives people permission to indulge their worst impulses on main and call it freedom and women in power are "unlikeable."