It feels different this time, because last time felt like an aberration. People told themselves it was Comey, it was the Bernie Bros, it was the R tilt of the Electoral College. People fought to fix what felt like a tragic mistake.
This time? Voters threw out principles and ignored eight years of spewed ignorance over an unattainable promise to lower egg prices. So, yeah. Fuck em.
On the contrary, the Biden win was the aberration. if it wasn't for Covid, Trump would have crushed him. And, we would have gotten rid of Trump this year for good...
"Fuck 'em" isn't *exactly* my attitude. But it's also not NOT my attitude.
I think at the end of the day, most liberals have concluded that people who voted for Trump aren't going to see "reason." They're tired of trying to convince conservatives of the threat he poses. They're admitting they can't see past their own interest.
So, yeah. When he can't lower the price of eggs and he gets us into a tariff war with our closest trading partners, maybe then you'll see. But I don't think it's going to be my worry or explaination that's going to make you realize it.
This is what you wanted. You can have it. I'm going to focus on my survival and the survival of people I care about.
To paraphrase many father figures, I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed. Because a lot of Americans proved how little they care about anyone but themselves. And that's what I'm resigned to.
I’ve had some dangerously nasty thoughts about family members who voted for him. But I’m trying to rein it in a little. I am not, however, interested in assuaging their hurt feelings or reacting to the endless stream of chaotic bullshit from him. The whole point of it is to get a reaction from the left. Like Dustin says, I plan to work on the local level for refugees in my sanctuary city. As for the rest of them? Fuck ‘em. I’m not playing in that playground anymore
And then my sister is a court appointed advocate for youth in foster care, and has three who are refugees who were waiting on green cards. Normally those are 14+ months waiting times (one applied Feb 2024, the other two in Sept). All three of them got their cards this past week. With how long wait usually are, she’s figuring USCIS was also prioritizing green cards/citizenship applications to get them out the door before Trump too.
What scares me a lot, is that while we wait around for these Trump voters to finally, finally realize voting for Trump wasn't in their interests, what will actually happen is, they will find reasons to love him anyway. They won't be able to admit being wrong, and they'll keep voting for these same 'ideals', because, eventually, they believe it will work out. They might get astronomical inflation, they may lose healthcare, it might not matter, in the end. I don't think some people will be convinced, even if allllll the worst things happen. That's a big fear of mine.
When things change for the worse, the Biggest Liar of the United States (BLOTUS) will yell "fake news" and "it's a scam." Gaslighting and lies for the win.
This. They were calling nurses liars for telling them they had covid as they were *literally* dying of it. They have shown that they would gladly die or go to jail for Trump and have no regrets.
This is one of their last good days. Republicans are great at being an oppos party. They are great at running campaigns to appeal to the low information voter, the self absorbed voter, the voter who wants easy answers to complex questions.
They cannot actually govern. They don't want to.
This is why they are pushing for a unitary executive. They won't have to govern then. They can dictate. It's what they want to do.
In the course of four years, every admin is going to run into issues. How they handle adversity is how they are remembered.
Trump actually only had a few issues. Charlottesville, BLM protests, family separation: he handled them all as an autocrat, and when they went sideways, his supporters got real quiet. Racist mee-maw, bigot paw paw, angry uncle, crunchy conspiracy mom, tech bro: none of them had an answer for the naked ugly hatefulness. The buried their heads, and about 4-6 weeks later pretended it never happened.
But, with Covid they couldn't do that. You can't come up with a funny nickname for a virus. You can't effectively threaten it, or bluster at it, or claim to know it better than anyone. Trump is scared of sickness-his or others. He's a germaphobe and a eugenicist. The virus beat him. I think if not for Covid he may have won in 2020, not because of any conspiracy, but because of intertia.
But he left a mess, and as usual he blamed it on the people who had to clean it up. And Americans once again looked for simple answers, and he had them in spades. As MAGA you never need to do anything but praise Trump. Everything else is someone else's fault.
We saw this in 2004. Republicans ran a "MURICA FUCK YEAH!!" campaign, and the Dems were shocked when an actual vet with military decorations lost, because Dems think it's about accomplishments. Republicans were sure a second W term would bring them to the promised land. Dems in Disarray was the buzzword,
Remember how that ended?
Republicans cannot govern. They don't want to.
Look, bad things are going to happen. Worse than last time. And Democrats will be blamed for them. Everything is someone else's fault.
Vulnerable members of our society are going to be hurt. That's what he ran on, that's all he actually ran on. I can't believe inflation, eggs and gas were taken seriously after economic anxiety in 2016.
That's why so many of us want leopards to eat faces because the ONLY way to get Americans to do what's best for others is to make sure they hurt if they don't. Time and time again we see this. MLK saw this-he said as much in his writings.
They will crawl back to Dems to fix the mess again, and complain when they don't fix it fast enough.
This has been going on for 40 years. extreme R, moderate D. More extreme R, moderate D. Insane R, moderate D.
Joe Biden feels like the kindly yet doomed ruler who falls when the country falls into darkness. Sure he was a nice guy who meant well, but we needed to extract the poison, not just slap a bandage on it, and pretend we couldn't smell the rot.
It's not the poor uneducated voters who did this. It's the slimy middle managers who exclude anyone who is a threat, the Jr execs who text their bros horrible memes during meetings, the wives who don't like THEM in the neighborhood and never have, the business owners who cheat their customers and claim ignorance, the board members who go to an island retreat to select whom to downsize. This rot is from the head down.
The base is finding that out today. They may not care, but more and more they are going to know.
This is one of their last good days. Because they will be responsible. Don't let them get real quiet. Ask them uncomfortable questions. Call them out. Piss them off. Shame them.
I love all of this comment. It actually made me tear up sitting here while reading it. The only part I disagree with is that the base is finding all of this out today.
The base will never willingly find any of this out. They think Elon is a genius and that politicians have failed them (even though they only ever vote for the ones that are in there to break the government) and that businesspeople are the ones who will save us. They will NEVER, EVER learn or admit they were wrong. They are too far in it now. They were fucking dying of covid while still telling nurses that they didn't have covid on their fucking death beds. They'll never admit they were wrong and that's what makes me so angry and hopeless.
This is kind of exactly my energy. Fuck em. I will fight when it matters, i will gum up what i can, but for now, fuck ever single one of them. I hope they rot.
I haven't turned on the TV all day and have been avoiding political sites like the plague. I think the best we can hope for is that this will be like Bush's second term. By the end of 2005, even republicans were sick of him. He's term limited out and they still have to get re-elected. But honestly? I don't care right now. One of my neighbors has a huge ass Toad Dick flag in his front yard and the other one has a sticker on her back window that makes it look like he's riding in the back seat. Another one up the street has had a flag in their yard for the last four fucking years. I'm surrounded by these idiots. I don't want to go outside. I don't want to talk to anyone. I just want to be alone right now. And that's okay. I didn't watch the first time around either. Whatever stupid thing he does tomorrow, we can worry about it tomorrow.
I am not paying one ounce of attention to that clownshow.
My local people are activating hyper locally. We can't save everybody, but we can fight like hell for our neighbors and neighborhoods.
Fuck 'em, for sure. Somebody who isn't us is making money every time we waste our online energy on some future leopard chow. I'm saving my energy for the future leopard chow in my zip code.
"He knows those computers better than anybody. All those computers. Those vote-counting computers," Trump told the crowd. "And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide."
And, adding, yes, I too am in the "fuck all of them, you wanted it, you got it" mode. We're all going to suffer regardless, so I'm going to take my pleasure, when I can, in these morons suffering too. I already love that Vivek didn't keep his job and it's only Inauguration Day. Lol.
I've signed up to work with a volunteer organization that helps resettle refugees in our area, to pass out food at a local pantry, & to help with an art program for kids at a local museum. I'm going this week to sign up as a volunteer at the county's Democratic headquarters. Helping the people who are going to be hurt most by these fucking douchebags seems the only way to stay sane right now.
A lovely voice I follow on Instagram, perhaps Rebecca Solnit, noted that one of the key lessons to learn from the anti-abortion movement is how long they fought for the future they've won. They didn't give up, even when cultural, legislative, and legal opinion were on their side. They kept at it, taking any wins, no matter how miniscule. And look where they are today.
I've been reflecting on this and it makes me sad. We give up so easily; we let ourselves get distracted by tweets and performative outrage. I'm refocusing and picking my battles and getting ready for the long, often fruitless fight.
I feel crushed. I learned of Cecile's death first thing this morning - but I didn't know she was the daughter *the* Anne Richards until I read it here. So now I'm crying, because Anne Richards was such a remarkable woman. Every woman I looked up to as a kid, looked up to her. And of course her daughter was equally remarkable (as was her son who generously offered me guidance on a legal matter many years ago). It reframes the horrific nightmare Texas is perpetrating on women as even more aggressive - if that were possible. Like a giant fuck you to the whole Richards family, past and present.
It feels different this time, because last time felt like an aberration. People told themselves it was Comey, it was the Bernie Bros, it was the R tilt of the Electoral College. People fought to fix what felt like a tragic mistake.
This time? Voters threw out principles and ignored eight years of spewed ignorance over an unattainable promise to lower egg prices. So, yeah. Fuck em.
Yeah, you nailed it. It DOES feel different. Like, now we KNOW how bad it can get. This was the worst case scenario.'s happening.
On the contrary, the Biden win was the aberration. if it wasn't for Covid, Trump would have crushed him. And, we would have gotten rid of Trump this year for good...
"Fuck 'em" isn't *exactly* my attitude. But it's also not NOT my attitude.
I think at the end of the day, most liberals have concluded that people who voted for Trump aren't going to see "reason." They're tired of trying to convince conservatives of the threat he poses. They're admitting they can't see past their own interest.
So, yeah. When he can't lower the price of eggs and he gets us into a tariff war with our closest trading partners, maybe then you'll see. But I don't think it's going to be my worry or explaination that's going to make you realize it.
This is what you wanted. You can have it. I'm going to focus on my survival and the survival of people I care about.
To paraphrase many father figures, I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed. Because a lot of Americans proved how little they care about anyone but themselves. And that's what I'm resigned to.
I’ve had some dangerously nasty thoughts about family members who voted for him. But I’m trying to rein it in a little. I am not, however, interested in assuaging their hurt feelings or reacting to the endless stream of chaotic bullshit from him. The whole point of it is to get a reaction from the left. Like Dustin says, I plan to work on the local level for refugees in my sanctuary city. As for the rest of them? Fuck ‘em. I’m not playing in that playground anymore
Also, holy shit Biden granted Leonard Peltier clemency.
Just wanted to share this.
And then my sister is a court appointed advocate for youth in foster care, and has three who are refugees who were waiting on green cards. Normally those are 14+ months waiting times (one applied Feb 2024, the other two in Sept). All three of them got their cards this past week. With how long wait usually are, she’s figuring USCIS was also prioritizing green cards/citizenship applications to get them out the door before Trump too.
What scares me a lot, is that while we wait around for these Trump voters to finally, finally realize voting for Trump wasn't in their interests, what will actually happen is, they will find reasons to love him anyway. They won't be able to admit being wrong, and they'll keep voting for these same 'ideals', because, eventually, they believe it will work out. They might get astronomical inflation, they may lose healthcare, it might not matter, in the end. I don't think some people will be convinced, even if allllll the worst things happen. That's a big fear of mine.
When things change for the worse, the Biggest Liar of the United States (BLOTUS) will yell "fake news" and "it's a scam." Gaslighting and lies for the win.
This. They were calling nurses liars for telling them they had covid as they were *literally* dying of it. They have shown that they would gladly die or go to jail for Trump and have no regrets.
This is one of their last good days. Republicans are great at being an oppos party. They are great at running campaigns to appeal to the low information voter, the self absorbed voter, the voter who wants easy answers to complex questions.
They cannot actually govern. They don't want to.
This is why they are pushing for a unitary executive. They won't have to govern then. They can dictate. It's what they want to do.
In the course of four years, every admin is going to run into issues. How they handle adversity is how they are remembered.
Trump actually only had a few issues. Charlottesville, BLM protests, family separation: he handled them all as an autocrat, and when they went sideways, his supporters got real quiet. Racist mee-maw, bigot paw paw, angry uncle, crunchy conspiracy mom, tech bro: none of them had an answer for the naked ugly hatefulness. The buried their heads, and about 4-6 weeks later pretended it never happened.
But, with Covid they couldn't do that. You can't come up with a funny nickname for a virus. You can't effectively threaten it, or bluster at it, or claim to know it better than anyone. Trump is scared of sickness-his or others. He's a germaphobe and a eugenicist. The virus beat him. I think if not for Covid he may have won in 2020, not because of any conspiracy, but because of intertia.
But he left a mess, and as usual he blamed it on the people who had to clean it up. And Americans once again looked for simple answers, and he had them in spades. As MAGA you never need to do anything but praise Trump. Everything else is someone else's fault.
We saw this in 2004. Republicans ran a "MURICA FUCK YEAH!!" campaign, and the Dems were shocked when an actual vet with military decorations lost, because Dems think it's about accomplishments. Republicans were sure a second W term would bring them to the promised land. Dems in Disarray was the buzzword,
Remember how that ended?
Republicans cannot govern. They don't want to.
Look, bad things are going to happen. Worse than last time. And Democrats will be blamed for them. Everything is someone else's fault.
Vulnerable members of our society are going to be hurt. That's what he ran on, that's all he actually ran on. I can't believe inflation, eggs and gas were taken seriously after economic anxiety in 2016.
That's why so many of us want leopards to eat faces because the ONLY way to get Americans to do what's best for others is to make sure they hurt if they don't. Time and time again we see this. MLK saw this-he said as much in his writings.
They will crawl back to Dems to fix the mess again, and complain when they don't fix it fast enough.
This has been going on for 40 years. extreme R, moderate D. More extreme R, moderate D. Insane R, moderate D.
Joe Biden feels like the kindly yet doomed ruler who falls when the country falls into darkness. Sure he was a nice guy who meant well, but we needed to extract the poison, not just slap a bandage on it, and pretend we couldn't smell the rot.
It's not the poor uneducated voters who did this. It's the slimy middle managers who exclude anyone who is a threat, the Jr execs who text their bros horrible memes during meetings, the wives who don't like THEM in the neighborhood and never have, the business owners who cheat their customers and claim ignorance, the board members who go to an island retreat to select whom to downsize. This rot is from the head down.
The base is finding that out today. They may not care, but more and more they are going to know.
This is one of their last good days. Because they will be responsible. Don't let them get real quiet. Ask them uncomfortable questions. Call them out. Piss them off. Shame them.
That's all that works.
I love all of this comment. It actually made me tear up sitting here while reading it. The only part I disagree with is that the base is finding all of this out today.
The base will never willingly find any of this out. They think Elon is a genius and that politicians have failed them (even though they only ever vote for the ones that are in there to break the government) and that businesspeople are the ones who will save us. They will NEVER, EVER learn or admit they were wrong. They are too far in it now. They were fucking dying of covid while still telling nurses that they didn't have covid on their fucking death beds. They'll never admit they were wrong and that's what makes me so angry and hopeless.
This is kind of exactly my energy. Fuck em. I will fight when it matters, i will gum up what i can, but for now, fuck ever single one of them. I hope they rot.
I feel like my standard response over the next 4 years will be "Well, what did you expect?"
I haven't turned on the TV all day and have been avoiding political sites like the plague. I think the best we can hope for is that this will be like Bush's second term. By the end of 2005, even republicans were sick of him. He's term limited out and they still have to get re-elected. But honestly? I don't care right now. One of my neighbors has a huge ass Toad Dick flag in his front yard and the other one has a sticker on her back window that makes it look like he's riding in the back seat. Another one up the street has had a flag in their yard for the last four fucking years. I'm surrounded by these idiots. I don't want to go outside. I don't want to talk to anyone. I just want to be alone right now. And that's okay. I didn't watch the first time around either. Whatever stupid thing he does tomorrow, we can worry about it tomorrow.
I am not paying one ounce of attention to that clownshow.
My local people are activating hyper locally. We can't save everybody, but we can fight like hell for our neighbors and neighborhoods.
Fuck 'em, for sure. Somebody who isn't us is making money every time we waste our online energy on some future leopard chow. I'm saving my energy for the future leopard chow in my zip code.
Trump is also out here saying Elon stole the election for him and everyone is like “what can you do?”
Wish I was drinking still.
I keep seeing people say this! I have avoided everything all day until right now, reading this. What did I miss? What did he actually say?
From a Newsweek article:
"He knows those computers better than anybody. All those computers. Those vote-counting computers," Trump told the crowd. "And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide."
Go to Kyle Griffin or Aaron Rupar’s social media accounts. They both posted videos of it.
Will do! Thank you!
And, adding, yes, I too am in the "fuck all of them, you wanted it, you got it" mode. We're all going to suffer regardless, so I'm going to take my pleasure, when I can, in these morons suffering too. I already love that Vivek didn't keep his job and it's only Inauguration Day. Lol.
I've signed up to work with a volunteer organization that helps resettle refugees in our area, to pass out food at a local pantry, & to help with an art program for kids at a local museum. I'm going this week to sign up as a volunteer at the county's Democratic headquarters. Helping the people who are going to be hurt most by these fucking douchebags seems the only way to stay sane right now.
A lovely voice I follow on Instagram, perhaps Rebecca Solnit, noted that one of the key lessons to learn from the anti-abortion movement is how long they fought for the future they've won. They didn't give up, even when cultural, legislative, and legal opinion were on their side. They kept at it, taking any wins, no matter how miniscule. And look where they are today.
I've been reflecting on this and it makes me sad. We give up so easily; we let ourselves get distracted by tweets and performative outrage. I'm refocusing and picking my battles and getting ready for the long, often fruitless fight.
I feel crushed. I learned of Cecile's death first thing this morning - but I didn't know she was the daughter *the* Anne Richards until I read it here. So now I'm crying, because Anne Richards was such a remarkable woman. Every woman I looked up to as a kid, looked up to her. And of course her daughter was equally remarkable (as was her son who generously offered me guidance on a legal matter many years ago). It reframes the horrific nightmare Texas is perpetrating on women as even more aggressive - if that were possible. Like a giant fuck you to the whole Richards family, past and present.