The idea that Mike Johnson would try to play an Uno "Reverse" card on the meaning of the separation between church and state is pretty fucking wild.

We started a war with England, why? Because they were ruled by a king. A king supposedly ordained by God. The law was ordained "from God." We didn't want God in our laws. HENCE, THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, YOU ABSOLUTE CRAWFISH.

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The humble crawfish does not deserve this! Let's go with willfully obtuse moron.

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I rescind my libel to the crawfish.

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Also, taxes. But you know what I'm getting at.

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Not to mention that Johnson's fuckery would mean that Judaism (or any other religion that wasn't Protestant Christian) would have no place in in this country.

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In Johnson's world, that's a feature, not a bug.

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I would say rather that people LEFT England to worship as they wished (and more often than not, because they wanted to force their OWN version on anyone who'd stand still), but the Revolutionary War was mainly a tax protest. Then we added all the "while I've got you on the line, DAD..." gripes we could think of.

But tomato, tomahto... Mike Johnson was, is and will continue to be full of shit.

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Sounds like the speaker would do well to read the letter from George Washington to the Hebrew Congregation in Newport. https://tourosynagogue.org/history/george-washington-letter/

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They already know this. They want a theocracy and they don't care how they get it. If they have to rewrite history, so be it. It's the only reason David Barton has a career.

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Some commentator this morning said tensions are high and people are losing their tempers because Congress has been in session, presumably forcing them to endure one another's company, for ten weeks straight. But the House wasn't in session for the first two weeks of October or the first week of November. I think it's much more accurate to say Republlicans are losing their tempers because they're backstabbers and crybabies.

Also, I read this morning that Truth Social lost $22 million on operating income fo less than $3 million and likely will not be viable much longer. Please make it so.

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Re: Truth social hemorrhaging money, cut to Jared Kushner awkwardly dodging his father-in-laws phone calls begging for a cash infusion from his Saudi 🩸 money fund. Hello sharks, have I got an investment opportunity for you! It’s Twitter but even worse!

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One more Trump financial boondoggle. I’m glad I deactivated twitter because no doubt he’ll be back on it.

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High school? They aren’t mature enough for that yet. These people are getting paid $178,000 a year plus great health insurance. It’s disgusting.

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023

I'm sure this format of congress is what our founding fathers had in mind.

That said they were all fucking their slaves and the Elons of their time so who gives a fuck what they thought.


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Ah yes, the rewriting of history the Repub morons are trying to accomplish now includes that Thomas Jefferson, the John Locke fanboy, didn't believe in the seperation of church and state.

Let's flip it the other way, Mike, do you really want Joe Biden to have the power to determine what you can or can't preach from the pulpits?

Also, the challenge of a fight was so dumb, and O'Brien gave zero fucks. Also, Bernie being stern dad was a nice touch.

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O'Brien sized Mullen up immediately. All bark, no bite. "Do something." A Senator leaping over the dais looks worse for Mullen that in does for him.

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"You're a clown" should be the only response to people like Markwayne (or people *named* Markwayne).

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Right? The way he backed down so quickly showed he wanted to parts of O'Brien. He was probably so relieved. Pathetic. The whole thing. But I did laugh. "Stand your butt up." You stand your butt up." Or whatever they said. I laughed so hard at the stupidity.

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These fucking douchewaffles who think we need to live exactly as slave-owning richie riches from 250 years ago thought we should. ALSO THE FOUNDERS WERE MOSTLY DEISTS. THEY WOULD LOOK AT YOU LIKE YOU WERE OUT OF A PURITAN TIME MACHINE. Fucking fuck squirrels.

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How has it flown under my radar that Republicans have an actual Senator named “Markwayne” who is a former MMA fighter? Because of course they fucking do. Add the Alabama hick whose qualifications for US Senator include: ‘college football coach’ and it’s clear that the bottom of the barrel is where they LIKE to make their selections. It’s because their base is deeply insecure about: ‘you think ur better than me, asshole?’ And they will elect any chud who doesn’t threaten them by using big words or silly stuff like “job experience” or “basic decorum.” Than stuff is for pussies, mayne!

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And he was upset because the tweet was O'Brien pointing out that Markwayne stood on a platform to be taller during the Senate debate.

Also he may have fought in 3 MMA fights, but I am 100% putting my money on a 4th generation teamster from Medford MA. I mean being from Medford alone is enough before you add in the teamsters.

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Agreed. People should really assess ‘can this person fuck me up?’ before they let their mouths write checks their asses can’t cash. In my experience, “is your adversary from in or around either Boston or Philadelphia?” That is a good precursor to: yes, they can probably fuck you up.

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4th generation teamster? Jesus! Run away as fast as you can you stupid, stupid Senator.

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"What [Thomas Jefferson] was explaining is they did not want the government to encroach upon the church,” he said, “not that they didn't want principles of faith to encroach on our public life."

What a fascinating and obviously deliberate way to phrase that. Technically he's not wrong-- Jefferson et al did NOT want the government to encroach upon the church, and he was NOT saying that the "principles of faith" should be separate from public life -- but he's so, so wrong. By which I mean, he's lying.

I will never not be impressed, or disgusted, at Republicans' ability to spin bullshit.

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Markwayne Mullen got on Newsmax and proceeded to bro out over Andrew Jackson and his habit of starting fights. A few things...

AJ was a genocidal monster directly responsible for the Trail of Tears.

AJ is also Trump's favorite. He installed a pic of Jackson in the Oval Office.

AJ was a Democrat. But, there's been no party switch, right?

AJ was an emotional, vengeful, petty man, a strident believer in unlimited power and a borderline tyrant.

AJ passed one bill in 8 years, the Indian Removal Act, and vetoed many.

AJ ran through multiple cabinet members, including 4 secs of state and 5 secs of treasury

AJ was only Prez to pay off the nat debt. Was that a good thing? Eh.

But Jackson is everything the modern Republican party wants to be. A freewheeling, beholden to no one tough guy, cutting through red tape to help the "common man".

It's all cosplay though. None of what they do helps anyone.

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You want to know the seriously gross thing about stanning about Andrew Jackson? Mullin is a Cherokee nation tribal member.....

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And off the house goes on an 11 day recess after not being able to get anything done. They tried, didn't work, let's go home for 11 days. Could you imagine if any of us tried that at our job????

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023

I didn't see that about Tammy Murphy. Interesting. Another person running is my former Rep. Andy Kim. He's a pretty decent guy, I wouldn't be at all disappointed if he became the senator. Menendez should step aside.

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Honestly, it feels more ethical for Andy Kim to be the nominee than the wife of the current governor.

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If macho man truly wanted to fight he would've done so before the hearing or he could've just jumped over the dais if he was badassed enough. He came off looking like the "hold me back" asshole that he is.

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"The enshitification of America" is brilliant and sadly true. Can the aliens just come already?

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I vote for the meteor. Start from scratch and all that..

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Ha! Last night I said "the GOP is like high school jocks, except HS jocks were good at something: Sports.

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These fucking knobs.

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