
What denomination of Christian was Washington? Know why you don’t know? Because he believed so entirely in America not having an official religion, nor in exerting his power over anyone else’s faith, that he refused to share his denomination publicly. He was indeed very Christian and was advised to cultivate that to help his election chances, but refused because that was not the America he envisioned. “One nation under God” wasn’t even a part of the pledge of allegiance until Eisenhower.

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023

Jefferson... physically cut all the pieces about Jesus's divinity out of the bible. Dude was a realist. So why in the everloving fuck would jethro think that means that "ackshulllyyyyy Jefferson took all his orders directly from god and thought all decisions should be informed by his opinion."

What a fucking moron.

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023

"I can only imagine he’d say this with the assumption that people wouldn’t check." You'd be right about that because we've seen how morons don't even check the most ludicrous of conspiracy theories and go all in.

Also, Chucklehead Johnson, even if that were the case, the Constitution was written to be a living document to be amended as needed, with whole ass procedures on how to do so. It's why (at least as far as the Constitution goes) I'm no longer 3/5 of of a person among other things. None of this absolutist, originalist bullshit that these people and some SCOUTUS try to jam down our throats,

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Jefferson thought we should have a new Constitution every generation or so!

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"Sometimes I think we confuse basic guile and the ability to say absurd things with a straight face for depth and wits."

Heh, sometimes?!? This is such a typically common and (sub)standard display of unearned white male confidence in spouting nonsense that way too many people will believe that it makes my teeth rattle.

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"what he was explaining is they did not want the government to encroach upon the church"

I have a question out of curiosity: which "church" was he talking about, Mr. Southern Baptist? Didn't your denomination split off from its northern counterpart --the one Jefferson's letter was directed to-- in 1845 to show its support for slavery? Surely, the baptists' beliefs were not encroaching on your church's fealty to racism and bigotry?

On second thought, nevermind.

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Rolling Stone had an article last week talking about how Mike Johnson is a religious extremists of the type Al Jazeera referred to as "America's Own Taliban". Look up New Apostolic Reformation on Wikipedia for an overveiw. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Apostolic_Reformation

Can you embed links in substack comments?

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Christofascism is real, and more of a direct threat to the US than Islamic terrorism.

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Yep. Trump has used these people for his own purposes mainly money but also power. His rooting out the vermin speech where he promises to jail/remove communists, marxists and the radical left plays right into their Christian white nationalist fervor and that an immoral disgusting person like trump has become their cult leader tells you all you need to know about the religious right.

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This is what you get when someone who hasn't studied history considers themselves a "Constitutional Originalist."

It's all Christian fundamentalist handwaving that puts God in front of everything else because, well, God said so. Who gives a shit about precedence, or history, or your feelings, or anything else?

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He didn't mention article 6 ? I wonder why not? I mean that entire article is weird and a melange of various seemingly unrelated rules, but that last sentence is pretty clear.

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Why do they keep saying the founders were Christian? I just feel like asking did any of them read one damn history book?

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He has terrible highlights in his hair.

Jesus made you perfect, fucknugget! Changing your looks is a sin!

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I think a country should rewrite its constitution (or whatever they call their main founding documents that are still considered laws of the land) every generation or so.

Because shit changes. There are so many things we deal with every day the "founding fathers" didn't even imagine in their deepest medieval fever dreams. Cars, computers, modern firearms, our population being over 300 million, all the science and medicine and engineering we have now...Just so much about life has changed dramatically in these past 247 years...

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Electoral college really burns me up. Some crazy system that was created so that slave states could count their slaves as 2/3 of a person is how we elect our damn president every 4 years. You know that if the Republicans had won the popular vote margins but lost the presidency like what happened to Gore and Clinton, they would have burned the system down by now.

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I can only imagine how they'd act if they actually were the victims, and not just pretending to be.

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Thank you for this, Chris. Brilliant! And clearly you put much more thought into this than that asshole did to his whole creepy schtick.

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Some people go to law school because they love the Law. (cue sonorous odes by John Grisham or Aaron Sorkin)

Others go because they figured out that they love lying so much they want to manipulate reality.

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These assholes make my head explode. As a descendent of Huguenots, I can assure this man that yes, people came to America expressly because there was a hard separation between church and state, which was a pretty unique state of affairs at that time. Just like their "it's not a democracy, it's a republic" bullshit, they are furiously rewriting history and the decrees of the founding fathers in a pathetic attempt to outrun their demographic destiny.

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My mom was reading "The Light and The Glory" when I was in high school. They emphatically believe all of this, exactly and explicitly for the transactional reasons outlined here.


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Well thank Bhaal those two jerks are dead.

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I didn't know that! That's real nice!

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Thanks for this, great take down. I am LOVING Pajiba politics posts, keep it coming!

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