It is such a national humiliation that there is a single American of any ideological stripe who would cast a vote for this syphilitic criminal actively rotting in plain sight.

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That’s the tragedy. Trump is a racist, sexual assaulter and narcissistic psychopathic grifter who has lied and cheated his entire life. The absolutely mind boggling fact that millions support him and admire him is what freaks me out. I can’t read his insane ramblings anymore and all I wish is for his last days be spent in lockup somewhere without access to the internet.

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30% of this country has been chafing for years over the fact that their opinions, assumptions, worldview and complaints have been considered socially unacceptable. Then, along comes a candidate who appeals to all of those things, unapologetically. You should be proud to be patriotic, to be vulgar, to be combative, to be regressive. America used to be great for you, then something happened, and of course it wasn't your fault. It was.......them.

It's a powerful, appealing message. It absolves you of all your sins, and provides a clear cast of villains to boo. It's politics as sport, as theater, as reality show. It's clear, it's simple, it's monochromatic.

The problem with modern Republicans it turns out is that they were too nuanced. Too concerned with not saying the quiet parts. The quiet parts are what people want.

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Yeah, the terrible people have always been there, it’s just now they have the internet and social media to spread their message far and wide instead of just sitting at their local bar and bitching about “lazy minorities” or some such nonsense. The whiplash from Obama to trump was mind boggling and horrifying.

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Criticisms against Biden for his handling of the Israel/Hamas War are valid. But if anyone thinks that an alternative that encourages Israel to "finish what they've started" is even remotely better... I don't know what to say to them.

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"I see them on television tapes" The television tapes? wtf? is someone recording news items on VHS for him?

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"Every accusation is a confession".

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"For more, check out the full rambling interview with Hugh Hewitt."

I'm good, thanks. I don't need to read his racist word salad to know he (inevitably) said something horrifying and so ridiculously idiotic that you wonder how this man can breathe and walk at the same time.

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God no. Even that abridged version got my blood pressure up.

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Words cannot express how much I hate this magafucker. His goddamn son is the biggest crackhead I've ever seen so I think Agolf isn't exactly an expert on figuring out if someone is on cocaine. And him with his Adderall addiction is the last person who should be casting rocks, er, stones.

Also, who fucking cares about Biden's golf game. Frankly, I'm thrilled we have a President who isn't spending half his presidency golfing and billing US for all the secret service cart rentals and such. North Korea's "reporting" on Dear Leader's golfing accused his first time playing was more believable than this shit brain winning a tournament.

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Agolf. Dead.

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So when the Sleepy Joe narrative falls apart you go with the cocaine rumor? I think captain adderall there is projecting just a bit.

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How can anyone, ANYONE, take this ass seriously?

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*grinds teeth into dust*

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Thanks, Trump for reminding everyone how often and exactly when you use cocaine.

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Not even rugs lie as much as he does. Tuesday night, he stood in front of a crowd in Wisconsin, where the votes was recounted carefully, and claimed "it's come out" that he won the state "by a lot" in 2020. And then there was this little gem:

"As President I will establish a federal task force to use every authority that we have at our disposal to end squatting in America. Squatting is a big deal. Sounds like a little bit of a weird topic, but it’s not. It’s a very bad thing when you go home and there’s somebody in your house and they won’t get out and you bring the law enforcement and the law enforcement says. I can’t do anything. If you’re constitutional rights have been violated, we will defend you. If you have illegal aliens invading your home, we will deport you. We will not allow your homes to be taken from you in any way, shape or form. We will stop the plunder, rape, slaughter and destruction of our American suburbs, cities and towns."


You just know he's going to stare straight at the eclipse again.

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I mean….. (exasperated Ben Affleck smoking a cigarette dot gif)

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I keep waiting for The Raven to call in her favor, but The Fall of the House of Trump keeps inexplicably not happening.

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I don't think trump could use cocaine, I think he IS cocaine. In human form.

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Counterpoint: Cocaine is much more useful, whether as recreational or medicinal use. Twittler, however, is completely without use or worth to most of us (PMMV - Putin's Mileage May Vary).

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Hey, what did cocaine ever do to you?

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I believe Trump has also commented on the masculine youthfulness and strength of some of the men entering the US across the southern border.

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