There are no good republicans. Let me repeat that: THERE ARE NO GOOD REPUBLICANS!

Project 2025 isn't just for Trump, it's for any republican that gets in there. And being a woman, she will sucker a lot of people into thinking she understands women and opposes overturning Roe. She does not. No republican does. And, I'm afraid to say, she might actually have a chance to beat Biden because of this misconception. I don't think she can get the nomination for a number of reasons. For one, the MAGA cult is just too strong still. And, whether they are willing to admit it or not, there are a lot of people (not just guys) in the republican party that don't think women should be in positions of power.

Haley's biggest strength is being able to fool people into thinking she's haflway reasonable compared to her opponents. She even called out DeSantis on his violating the first amendment with Disney. This makes her look more sane than she is. And, given how insane the rest of her party is, that's pretty easy to do. We need to keep an eye on her even if she doesn't get the nom. If/When Toad Dick loses this year, she will be the next one they will be prepping for '28 to make themselves look like they've learned their lesson.

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My friend went to Clemson with her, she said never buy anything made in SC, especially if they come out of the business school. They are dumb.

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Brilliant comment - no notes

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On very minor clarification. Even if Haley is halfway reasonable compared to her opponents, halfway from the deepest recesses of hell is still hell.

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Haley won't get the nomination. The GOP hate women - full stop. It's kind of their whole thing.

I doubt she'll even be considered for VP, a cabinet position, or even an ambassadorship, should TFG somehow win. She's been branded "disloyal" by the faithful. She's done.

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I would think there would be a lot of “thank gods” or some such but the folks who really want an alternative to Trump. But the minute she actually wins the primary, I bet those exact same people will start questioning her qualifications and her personality and her clothing choices, etc, etc, etc. Because women will always be scrutinized to death and aren’t allowed to get away with even half the shit men do.

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She’s a terrible person. She may come close in a few states, but the racists in the GOP will not make her the nominee. If by some .0001% chance she gets the nomination Trump will claim she stole it from him and his supporters will stay home. She won’t actually stand a better chance against Biden.

Our bigger concern should be the people on the left who will vote third party to make some point and then spend years complaining about how all of their rights were taken away under a second Trump term. Those folks cost us 2016. And 2000.

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Nikki Haley is just as bad and I don't want any GOPer near the white house. She is just better at pretending you can make racism and forced birth seem not so bad.

I other news dumb dumb Ramaswamy was caught submitting the signatures of dead people in RI to get on the primary ballot. Well the people he hired did I should say.

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Ironic isn't it that the party and its supporters making all the accusations of election fraud tend to be the ones most often caught engaging in it. As the saying goes "with Republicans, every accusation is a confession".

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I think that I don't want trump within a vote's shot about going back into office. We all thought Hillary would soundly trounce him and that didn't happen, so I'm not willing to roll those dice again. But Nikki Haley's more palatable, corporate friendly, commercially viable version of evil creeps me out significantly too. So I don't know. When people are making Chris Christie look like the rational one in the room the room is full of fucking fruitcakes and nutjobs.

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Chris Christie and Asa Hutchinson were the only two candidates in the primary who I don’t think are hellbent on ending democracy in America. Naturally, neither ever stood a chance of winning the nomination. Haley is just Trump in a different font- she hasn’t stood up to MAGA yet, she’s not going to start now.

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Not to get too weird about it, but she’s very clearly passable as white. I never knew she was of Indian descent until a couple of years ago. I assume most voters just clock her as a typical brunette.

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Also, this was supposed to be a reply to Aoorda. Sorry about that.

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I didn't know either. I can't imagine she'll get many votes the moment republicans realize she is of Indian descent. Even "moderate republicans" are racist and misogynistic, they only hide it better than the Maga crazies. The GOP is now the party of white supremacists who feel that they're discriminated against and that non-whites are trying to replace them and are trying to takeover the US and the world. I can't think of anything that could make Haley palatable to them. Though I bet that they'll give non racist reasons for not voting for her when asked.

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12

Really didn't know? It was a big deal when an Indian got elected gov of SC. There was, more recently, a brief idiotic conversation on Fox about the "influx" of Indians in American politics?! Nikki, Vivek, Kamala. I was actually waiting for comments about only letting "real" Americans run for office and they did 'getthisclose' to saying it out loud.

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"I honestly cannot emphasize enough how damaging a Trump meltdown after New Hampshire could be to his candidacy in moderate states."

Really? I can't bring myself to share your optimism. You think Trump voters in Wisconsin or Pennsylvania or Michigan are going to turn on him because they finally come to the realization he has no hinges and won't hesitate for even a nanosecond to destroy us all in the name of enriching himself and/or feeding his ego? Seems to me the track record for nearly ten years now has shown, quite to the contrary, his popularity rises in direct proportion to his level of batshitedness.

And Haley can't beat him. She's said over and over that she approves of his policies. Her only criticism has been that it's time for new blood because he brings chaos. I dislike her intensely.*

*Growing up, a friend's mom used to correct us sternly when we said we hated someone. "We don't hate. We can dislike them intensely, but we don't hate."

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I took it less as optimism and more as it will get air time and the people who have forgotten how absolutely insane Trump is, and there are people who have not seen it because he does not get the coverage he should, will be reminded. It's not the Trump voters who will give Trump the win, it's the people with short term memories who don't remember how bad it was with Trump at the helm who will give him the win. The Republicans who voted for Biden last time but feel they need to vote for Trump this time. The Independent voters. The low information voters. Thats who is giving Trump the win. They need to be reminded how absolutely unhinged and insane and dangerous he is.

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I didn't know you knew Wineva & Sally Pederson's family too.

(That's where I got it from)

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Hell will freeze before many republicans in deep red states will show up for a woman of colour, no matter how much Nikki avoids taleking about slavery....

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Trump will be calling her Nimarata anyday now. He’s already started with the she’s a foreigner birther nonsense.

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I don't think the average republican voted even knows Nikki Haley's a woman of colour. She goes out of her way to not talk about it ever.

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I think our best case scenario, which we’ve been gaming out since last year, is for Trump to have a hard primary that leaves him in worse shape for the general. If Nikki can stay within swinging distance of him, he’ll melt down and we’ll be on our way.

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I don't think so. I think these others in the GOP are running for VP or a cabinet position.

It's like trump's reality show. They think one of them is going to "win" and gain his favor if/when he's elected in 2024.

I have no idea who could beat Biden. I'd hope Biden has this in the bag. I mean, he SHOULD. But, we still have the electoral college, MAGA cultists, right wing propaganda, and a ton of politicians who are afraid of trump.

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Jan 11·edited Jan 11

45 is already just about talking birther nonsense about Haley, questioning her citizenship since her parents are immigrants. That noise is only going to get louder and the racists (which, well, we know how much of the GOP that is) will lap that up. Those low information voters who know nothing about her, especially that she's of Indian descent will add that in with the fact that she's a woman...? Look, I don't believe she'll win the nomination, though I believe it will be closer than 45 ever thought it would be. If she DOES win, well, 45 will tell his cult not to vote. Add in the non-MAGA, but racist, sexist GOPers? I still think Biden will win against her. If 45 is the nominee again? You think his crap is unhinged now? The 40% will always vote for him. How many of the remaining 60% will just not vote? I'm truly trying not to worry about this, but if 45 (and honestly Haley too) wins, we will have gotten who we deserve.

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Oh yeah game on. As I just heard on Pod Save America podcast “Iowa picks corn, New Hampshire picks presidents (or at least nominees)”. Cruz, Santorum and Huckabee won Iowa and then bombed. All I really want at this point is for Haley to do well in NH and trump go beserk. He will spend every moment screaming about “Nimarata” Haley and if she somehow managed to get the nomination he’d run third party or do whatever to keep her from winning.

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I like the way you think, Dustin. I too would enjoy the hell out of watching Trump go berserker mode.

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Trump's "Bing, dong, ding" always makes me laugh.

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I've always been fond of "big strong men with tears in their eyes" but I think he finally caught on that we all soundly mock him for it.

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I don't think she has a chance. And I think all of the attention on her is a vain effort to pretend that there is a more palatable Republican choice and to keep it 'interesting' to sell news. I think a key headline right now is that Trump era tax cuts are set to expire and the so-called moderate Republicans are going to be like a German Shepard and raw meat, even if they don't qualify for any of those, so they will line up. I hope someone smarter than me has a better take!

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Trump will get the Republican nomination here in California. You forget the Republican party rigged the rules to ensure an easy Trump victory and the delegates in Republican party are winner take all, not proportional like the Democratic party. I'm sure Trump will have the nomination wrapped up by Super Tuesday in March. Good times.

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I’m torn between wanting the relief of not having Trump on the ballot the fear of republicans and the media milking the first woman President aspect in a way that would hide that she’s just as fucking terrible as the rest of them and that *any* republican winning before there’s a fundamental overhaul of their party is a genuine threat to democracy.

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"I’m not that worried about her beating Biden."

Funny, I said the same thing about Trump beating Clinton in 2016.

And the same thing about Trump v. Biden in 2020, when Trump did NOT beat Biden but came closer than sanity should have allowed.

Clinton and Biden are obvs different animals. But so are Donald Trump and "any reasonable human being." The fact that he even figured large enough for Putin to nudge over the line has obliterated my faith in fellow voters. I will hope and try for the best. But I will never again NOT worry that someone who shouldn't win, won't.

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