You know what sucks? Other than everything, I mean.

This fucker is like herpes, we just cannot get rid of his miserable voice. He's always fucking there. I thought we'd get a break after he lost, but it just got worse. It's a living, fucking nightmare.

He, and all the sycophants and cynics and outright insane people that worship this pile of festering pus, are hypocrites beyond measure. All their bloviating of 'patriotism' and 'love of country' is absolute nonsense. They hate their country.

They hate everything it stands for. All he ever says it how awful it is, give him money, he'll fix everything. The whiny bitch can't even identify his wife in a photograph. 'Chaotic Evil' is a good description, but so is 'a cancer'. He's a cancer on humanity.

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His followers know it too. I've seen more than one post of "If you had just let us win in 2020, he'd be almost gone." I believe he has said that himself. He's never going away, until he dies. This is all the pub and forced adoration he has always wanted.

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Took me a second to remember but the 'Biden beat Obama' stuff was a big talking point after 2020. As in 'Of course it was rigged! How else do you explain Biden beating Obama's numbers?!' But just like with "bloodbath" his history of demented word salads leaves the statements very much open to interpretation. One thing that's for certain though is that when he says people like migrants aren't human he absolutely means it. Which makes the other throwback to 2016 we're seeing (people saying that "morally" they can't support voting for Biden) even more disturbing. These people know how the movie ends so either they *want* Trump to win and everything that comes with it or they're easily manipulated hoopleheads that the GRU plays with like silly putty.

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Oh my god, you're the Trump Whisperer. I'm so sorry.

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There are a lot of "Christians" who claim they cannot vote for Biden because they object to any form of abortion or birth control or family planning.

I think they're probably mostly bigots and just don't want to admit it. They're misogynists (abortion isn't about babies, it's about controlling women), homophobes (again, the religion shit is just a justification for their bigotry), and often racists too...Am I the only one who thinks it's weird that Southern Baptist/Born-Again fundamentalist Christian churches are pretty much all still segregated?

These are also people who love censorship, hate art, and want to control everything in some christofascist dictatorship. They control the Supreme Court too. We gotta give them term limits...

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Hey, Susie Collins...still think Tantrump "learned his lesson"? She and all the other Repulsivecans who failed to impeach him are the General Dissarys to Butters' Professor Chaos except this isn't an animated TV show and the real Professor Chaos isn't just clumsily going to try to flood the world with a garden hose.

The fact that none if his most notorious cabinet or staff are endorsing him and NOW speak out about what a threat he is to our democracy and our humanity matters nary an iota to his cult, who now have to go look up what nary means.

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His cabinet and staff AREN'T endorsing him. Stupid typo!

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“I don’t know if you call them people. They’re not people, in my opinion. But I’m not allowed to say that because the radical left says that’s a terrible thing to say.” You know, if that's the standard then gimme that label: I'm an extremist. I hold the extreme view that immigrants, illegal or otherwise, are people.

After November 2020 I read a very upsetting article alleging that no matter what happens, we are at some state of civil war now, and put forth several ways that could unfold. We are in the least shooty scenario outlined, thankfully, but least shooty isn't zero, unfortunately. At the time I thought that was overwrought and we would go back to normal. Then Gamestonk and Jan 6th happened within a week of one another and I was like "oh right normal's gone yay."

John Stewart was right that making things better is a lunchpail show up every day job. All of us: show the fuck up.

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I'm starting to get very real flashbacks of what it was like before when I woke up every morning and just doomscrolled. I literally lost the ability to read for pleasure halfway through 2020.

Glad to see he can't pay his bail, though. Get the repo boys out.

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From the linked article: "Trump’s Ohio address, ostensibly in support of Bernie Moreno, his preferred candidate in the state’s Republican Senate primary Tuesday"

It wasn't even his rally! Can you imagine having a former president endorse you and offer to speak at your rally and then the fool spends the next 90 minutes spewing nonsensical garbage?

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I’m starting to get worried about this election.

I genuinely think that if we were to have the election tomorrow that Trump would win.

I can only hope Trump self sabotages himself on this campaign and Biden gets it together.

Because these early poll numbers make it hard to sleep at night.

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Stop looking at polls, polls are bullshit, polls haven’t been reliable for ages

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The election is not tomorrow though. That said I hope that worry is motivating people to become engaged and active in the election and not just an excuse to throw up their hands and cover their ears.

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Polls make me nervous, even though I know they're BS. In 2016 they all said HRC had this in the bag.

Now, they're saying trump has it in the bag.

Best to ignore them, but make sure not only you vote, but everyone you know votes too.

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Preaching to the choir here, but "they're not even human" is literally what Hitler said about the Jews (and LGBTQ and mentally ill, etc.).

At what point are people going to stop rolling their eyes and saying "hyperbole much? I can't even take you seriously" when I compare Trump to Hitler? He's literally saying what Hitler said, and telling us he's going to do what Hitler did.

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Chaotic evil? More like neutral evil - Trump is ultimately just out for himself. "A neutral evil character is selfish, and has no problem harming others to get what they want - if they can get away with it. The D&D 3.5 Player's Handbook nicknames this alignment "Malefactor". "

Otherwise - spot on, Chris.

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Trump parrots talking points and crazy stuff that his crowds love and that his craven staff pump into his head. He’s a narcissistic psychopath who loves the attention and the grift and knows that his white old “poorly educated” base want ugliness and seems to thrive on the fear he loves to spread. As a journalist friend told me in 2015-“trump’s bad for the country but great for journalism”. When he is gone, god knows what will replace him.

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"The knee-jerk reaction that comes from many commentators like me, white men with upper-middle class backgrounds and college educations, is often to downplay or undercut news like this either by pointing out the political shallowness of it or making a joke of it."

Anymore, his rhetoric makes me furious -- I can't even make light of it. And when I see a cretinous Congress critter justifying their endorsement of him as though he's legit, I could scream. The populace at large is a bunch of knuckle-dragging bigots who think Jesus is coming to save them . Politics in this country are fucked and I've come to agree with George Carlin: we deserve it!

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Most Republicans (and Capitalists, tbh) I'd label Lawful Evil, but MAGA is 'special', and clearly going Chaotic Evil.

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I’m trying to decide between “Chaotic Stupid” and “Stupid Evil”. And the Repugnanticans are the dumass kids who summoned a demon thinking he’ll be on their side (and then broke the summoning circle).

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“Load up on guns, bring your friends

It's fun to lose and to pretend“

Suddenly this song isn’t fun anymore.

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I’m sure you did it with intent, but you might only be ignorant of the context that he used the term “bloodbath” in. It was in regards to the US auto industry if Biden got elected. He was in no way inciting violence or insinuating that there would be violence if he didn’t get elected. Only that a lot of Americans in the auto industry would lose their jobs.

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Ha. You're funny.

Go away.

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Anti-union trump (and the whole GOP) is somehow better for auto workers than pro-union Biden?

That is funny.

Oh, and trump loves violence done in his name. We have proof already.

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