We're watching from the other side of the Pacific more than a little relieved that the way government runs here in Australia precludes this from happening in any meaningful way (not that we don't have problems). My heart aches for the US, and I fervently hope that this doesn't decay into civil war or Gilead, both of which seem like real possibilities.
We're watching from the other side of the Pacific more than a little relieved that the way government runs here in Australia precludes this from happening in any meaningful way (not that we don't have problems). My heart aches for the US, and I fervently hope that this doesn't decay into civil war or Gilead, both of which seem like real possibilities.
We're watching from the other side of the Pacific more than a little relieved that the way government runs here in Australia precludes this from happening in any meaningful way (not that we don't have problems). My heart aches for the US, and I fervently hope that this doesn't decay into civil war or Gilead, both of which seem like real possibilities.
Be strong, USian friends!