Democrats needs to start publicly questioning her connections to Russia. No one has this much of an aversion to funding for Ukraine unless they have some personal stake in them losing. This isn't just about it not being our problem either. I have no doubt she'd give Israel the entire GDP if they asked for it. She's made no funding for Ukraine the hill she wants to die on. Someone needs to ask why.

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These right wingers love Putin.

It also wouldn't surprise me if Putin placed them, as he does seem to love sowing chaos, especially in the US.

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As long as she and Gaetz run in reliably safe gerrymandered districts, they will continue to act without consequences.

At least Boebert is feeling the heat-these two are bad faith actors who would be happy in the Duma, the Supreme People's Assembly or the National Assembly. Hell Gaetz only has his seat because of daddy.

Congress has never been great-there have always been a subset of freaks, zealots, and idiots. The difference is they are in charge now.

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She’s never getting voted out cause people are the worst. And that district is gerrymandered.

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I'm going to start house hunting in the autumn, and some of the more affordable places are right on the edge of her congressional district, or just barely inside it. No matter how great those houses/condos might be, I absolutely cannot consider living even within spitting distance of MTG being my representative.

On the plus side, I've been gerrymandered out of Loudermilk's district, thank god, and Lucy McBath is running for the seat in November. I've canvassed for her several times, and I would be absolutely thrilled if she wins. (Though it's tough for me because one of her primary opponents is Jerica Richardson, my current county commissioner, who is *incredible* and destined for great things.)

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I don’t blame you.

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Since the entire Republican playbook is to throw sand in the gears of a functioning democracy, Johnson should go ahead and call her bluff. He won't be ousted. There aren't enough votes on the Republican side to do anything. The only reason Johnson might not pull the trigger is because Democrats could hold him over a barrel for helping him keep his job.

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Where greed, bigotry, and willful ignorance collide.

That's the GOP, and has been my whole lifetime and then some.

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Your message gets undercut by conflating the war in Gaza as a white European / genocide.

This is a false dichotomy for many reasons including the majority of Israelis are not European but from the multitude of middle eastern countries that kicked them out around when Israel was declared a state. Almost every American military expert has over and over again shown how much lower the death toll in Gaza has been compared to the other wars fought in the region in the last few decades.

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