I never understand this apocalyptic soothsaying from fanatical Christians. Homosexuality has *always* been with us. Always will be. Yet, society has not crumbled.

Spouting these bigoted beliefs makes one look like a panicky idiot - one not well-suited to be dogcatcher, let alone third in line for the Presidency.

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Well said. Thank you. And let's not forget that these heteronormative men police their wives and children and even monitor their children's internet activity for pornography, as demonstrated by the "christian" speaker of the house. As a proud, queer man with a loving relationship: fuck them.

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Really glad to see an article call out the heteronormativity here. It's great if Pete's family looks this way and if that's the life that makes him happy, but not everyone wants to live like this and no one, queer or otherwise, should have to live a nuclear family life to be accepted by others.

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Republicans/conservatives will never believe that queer folks aren't covering up something more sinister with a veneer of familial respectability anyway. Why? Because Republicans/ conservatives cover up something more sinister with a veneer of familial respectability. You know, that log in their own eye thing.

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Yup. Always projection with those guys. Always.

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For whatever reason, I was thinking about my ex (who is the poster child for "those guys") yesterday, who always used to call me a spoiled brat and a rich daddy's girl and an entitled princess and so on, and it occurred to me that his parents did not make him do chores or get a job, and that in fact we lived off my paycheck while he refused to find a job for the first three years of our marriage.

Always, always, always projection.

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I was impressed with that interview on Colbert, because if I were in Buttigieg's shoes, I would have been a lot more rage-filled in my comments. Seriously. Fuck the entire right wing. Bigotry and greed are what they are all about; always were, always will be.

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It’s weird to me that fundamentalists fixate on sexuality when Jesus had a lot more to say about money lenders. You never hear these types scorn their neighbor for working at Bank of America.

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They are all "pharisees" to use the biblical term.

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Funnily enough, I don't read Pete's statement as "hey, look at us, even though we are queer, we shouldn't be threatening to you and your world view about what the nuclear family looks like".

I heard it more as "hey - I know you've got shit to do, because the kids are a pill - me too!"

That being said, Johnson is an a-hole repressive dickwad ... and no whitewashing is going to change that.

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