This one matters a LOT for me. I'm overjoyed that these Nazi Karens and their precious little snowflake feelings got blasted.

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I am drinking their sweet, sweet tears of sadness and rage. The Minivan Taliban can crawl back under their local rocks and rot there for all I care. In fact, I would prefer it.

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The MAGA smooth brain who won my school district's seat decided to run for school board when he suffered a TRAGIC indignity. [Cue instrumental mega-church music] You see, one day, his BIOLOGICAL FEMALE daughter was called... not to Jesus, but to the principal's office. And coerced into the indignity of being asked to use another student's preferred pronouns. That. That was his origin story. Bless all the teachers for not laughing these parents out of the parent/ teacher conference. If THAT is the worse thing that has happened to this man, he should be thankful for his charmed life.

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Me too. My Mom taught kindergarten and first-grade and we went to the library constantly when I was a kid. I also have an MLIS. Reading has been a lifeline for me and the idea that a handful of obnoxious blowhards think they know better than educators about the books kids should have access to is abhorrent.

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I was trying to explain these shitwits to the 10-year old today.

“Do they even read the books? Then how do they have a problem with them?!”

The fact that GOP positions can’t withstand the logical assault of a fifth grader is probably second to abortion rights as to why they keep getting atomic wedgies at the polls, but it’s something that needs to be stressed.

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This really is good news. Keeping fascists out of office is awesome, but keeping them out of classrooms is just as important, maybe more important, when you get right down to it.

I feel this weird thing...Pride? Pride in being an American? Like, when we actually do something mostly right for once? It's a rare feeling, but a good one for sure.

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The current generation could root out fascism, but it just comes back if the next generation isn't prepared to keep it gone. Critical thinking matters.

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Irony: Groups with "LIBERTY" in their name are always the ones trying to take away other people's liberty. More like Moms for Loserty.

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"Patriots" as well.

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These weirdos are all over NJ as well, and I'm happy to report they lost overwhelmingly here too.

Also need to report that I saw them referred to as "Klanned Karenhood" on reddit, and I'm making it my personal mission to make sure that sticks.

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Klanned Karenhood is pure poetry!

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That is just...beautiful.

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Considering M4L is probably best known for publishing a newsletter with a quote directly attributed to Hitler on the cover, you'd think candidates would run away screaming from their endorsements.

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In a neighboring community, the M4L crowd harassed and Jesus-shamed the local school board into rescinding their policy of letting the kids choose their pronouns without parental approval or even knowledge. This isn't a big community, but our Congressional rep, a cow by the initials ASHLEY HINSON, and Governor Kim Reynolds and even Mike Effing Pence cozied right up and proudly joined in the bigotry. The candidates they endorsed ALL LOST.

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This is the celebratory headline from NYT.

"Tuesday Was Great for Democrats. It Doesn’t Change the Outlook for 2024."

Same as it ever was.

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The thing with school board elections is that people have to research the candidates, they usually aren't allowed to run with a political affiliation. I remember having to take a little note with the right names on it into the voting booth with me so that I could get the right people elected. Which means for this kind of shut down people did their research and deliberately chose not to vote to the M4L candidates, as opposed to just picking whoever has D or R next to their name. I can't think of anything more damning to a political movement. And honestly a part of me wishes that more places on the ballot would do that, eliminate party affiliation on the ballot so that people have to know who it is they're voting FOR. I mean, it's super easy for me to just vote down the Democrat line, but sometimes I think that doing that stymies voter choice. If there wasn't that handy dandy help of a D next to their names, would I really vote for candidates? Would people really be hardline republican voters if they had to actually think about who gets their vote? I don't know, I think it would require a full on overhaul of the election process in order for it to really work, but it's nice to think about it.

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I don't know where I fall on this. I Google candidates and judges and they all recycle the same, safe Utah political rhetoric. I am a fiscal conservative yadda yadda, I support growth blah blah. Outside of candidates running for positions in SLC proper, nobody will explicitly state, "I support women and their right to healthcare," "Let's treat LGBTQ+ and the poor like the human beings they are," "I care about the environment and conservation." More often than not, I straight up cannot tell who am voting for and am afraid I am doing more harm than good. When I see R and D it is a huge relief.

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I had to do that yesterday with some of the PA candidates. Luckily there was no issue with taking out my phone and googling.

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Wait....does she think that.....punching books....looks tough???

BAHAHAHAHAHA no wonder these losers lost so bad. They're a bunch of losers. You can just tell: classic losers.

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I'm trying to remember what the hell could even conceivably be "problematic" about Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. I mean, JSF had that weird thing where he left his wife for an uninterested Natalie Portman, but wasn't the book an aftermath of 9/11-type thing? I think all the characters were straight and white...

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This is actually pretty cool - this dude is engaging these fucking Nazis on an intellectual level and actually trying to figure out why they don't like these books. He decides it's probably because the kid identifies as atheist.


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In her defense, when you’re built like Wreck-it Ralph, you play to your strengths.

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I live and work in the Twin Cities, and alas that my local school board has two new members who are the Minnesota equivalent of Moms for Liberty. An incumbent, who was endorsed by the local teacher’s union, has lost her seat to one of these “concerned parents.” I am sad, but I have also heard that this is a county with a long history of similar nastiness. In more positive news, one of the suburbs (St. Louis Park) has elected a new mayor! She’s the first elected Somali mayor in the country, and she’s previously served on the city council.

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All three M4L- aligned candidates in our district are trailing. They all adamantly say they aren’t with M4L but they’ve met with the local chapter, have been promoted by the local chapter, and the local Republican Party has been promoting them.

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I think we need to frame this as them telling other people how to raise their kids. Turn their own bullshit back on them. "Do you want someone else telling your kids what books they can read?" Groups like this don't magically fade away. They just solicit more donations and double down in areas they believe they have a better chance of winning. Fewer swing states, more hard red ones.

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Small quibble: the opening paragraph is missing a "not" -- were not a flawless victory.

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Victory! Fuckin A, finally figured this shit out. Can I say cusses here? Well, the only fucked up part of yesterday in Ohio is that the dirtbag bigot MFL endorsed candidate DID win the open school board seat. I forgot for a second that I live in MAGA country and most of the people in my town are terrible and vote accordingly. He has no REAL plan, you see. And the plans he does have (to unilaterally take out language protecting LGBTQ students and teachers from discrimination) are like... illegal as shit. The school district WILL be sued the second he even proposes these changes, let alone tries to implement them. Sure, that'll make white evangelicals like him tingly because they love being persecuted, and they love blaming their failures on us dastardly liberals out to thwart them. Never that they don't have to authority to ban woke or that sex discrimination is still illegal. What's cognitive dissonance? Sounds woke! The rest of the parents will be made aware of the exact dollar amount in legal fees that this chud will cost the school district. I hope giving the redneck clown caucus it's own representative is worth it.

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Is "liberty "another term that has been hijacked by alt right or has always been used as the fascist synonym for freedom?

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Don't forget our friend over at https://www.momsforliberties.com/ He's working hard.

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