The most common attack line I've heard, mostly but not only from white women, is "she's a DEI hire."

(a) No, Biden chose her because he believed it made the ticket stronger; and (2) what if she was chosen strictly because of a desire to promote diversity? It's as though the Republicans instinctively label someone who is selected based upon considerations of promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion as being inferior to a white person.

Your racism is really showing again, and you have no sense of how obvious that is. Just admit you believe a Black woman is "less than" a lying, cheating, convicted felon.

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My nearly 89 year old mother in law asked me to explain DEI to her on Sunday and why it would be considered bad. Because as she said, what is wrong with surrounding yourself with different walks of people, making sure each person has what they need to succeed and making sure everyone is invited. It just sounds like kindness. She was like what am I missing about this? Why is it bad?

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First off hell yeah to you MIL. Second, the GOP view cannot be understood without remembering they believe life is a zero sum game, aka no one can get more without someone else getting less. Couple that with endless dog whistles (and bullhorns…) about the inferiority of non-whites, and it’s easy math.

The harder math is how tf the same people who believe in zero sum games also believe in infinite growth in the stock market. One of those two positions is dividing by zero I tell ya hwut.

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The "DEI hire" thing is such an ignorant argument. Especially when you go back and look at most of the candidates that were on Biden's short list in 2020. All of them were women and most of them were women of color.

Anyone arguing Harris was a "DEI hire" is basically saying "Biden should have chosen a white man because... reasons."

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Especially coming from trump who is a nepo baby, who was handed a fortune that he mismanaged and was a joke in New York business circles. Guy got lucky with that stupid reality show and the base fell in love with his overt nasty racism, misogyny and terribleness. Now he’s running scared but still grifting and still spewing out his special brand of awful. My god I hope this is the end of him…

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I've heard this from a lot of white women too, Harris is a DEI hire. OK, bitch, well so are you. Republicans needed a pick-me woman who could slap a veneer of respectability on their brand of bullshit. And they called you. So in the land of overwhelmingly straight, white, men, ANY woman is a DEI hire.

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Vance privately admitted to donors that Biden stepping down was a "political sucker punch" and they don't really know how to attack Harris as she doesn't have the same baggage.

Also, Walz from the white dudes for Harris call: “How often in 100 days do you get to change the trajectory of the world? […] And how often in the world do you make that bastard wake up afterwards and know that a Black woman kicked his ass and sent him on the road? And you know that’s something that guy’s gonna have to live with for the rest of his life.”

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Marco Rubio cooked up a real zinger that exemplifies "flailing:"

“They called us weird so I’ll call them weirder. That’s what I used to do back in high school.”

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Way to make sure everyone knows that you were bullied in high school, Marco. That definitely projects strength.

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Oh, Marco. Maybe sit this one (and the next one, tbh) out?

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What I think is interesting is that Republicans are basically running the same plays they used years and years ago against Obama, Clinton and Biden like people wouldn't notice?

They can't even use what (kind of) tanked her in 2020 - "Kamala is a cop" because their candidate is a CONVICTED FELON.

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They don't know what to do with Kamala Harris, but they've already made their plans for the election. Election deniers have been planted as election officials in swing states so they can hold things up in the event the election doesn't go the way they want it to.

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I've read this same thing elsewhere. If that's the case, what can we do??

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Encourage as many people to vote for Harris as possible in overwhelming indisputable numbers, and if we can’t make enough of a difference, Biden can declare martial law.

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Biden, who thanks to the Supreme Court, has immunity, right? Good...

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It’s also not too late to be a volunteer poll worker…I don’t mean an observer, but we can all work the polls that day.


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I just looked into it for my area, but it's a required 16 hour shift. I don't think I could do it.

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30

But in that case, in addition to encouraging people to vote for Harris, maybe find as many people as possible who would be willing and able to volunteer as poll workers.

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But... SHE LAUGHS!!1!

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30

Here’s something. Trump’s nephew Fred has endorsed Harris following Trump’s cold comment about Fred’s disabled son.


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Jul 30·edited Jul 30

With less than 100 days to go, I'm not sure they're going to be able to find something that truly sticks because they can't see past the racism and sexism. The only anti-Harris commercial I've seen in my area is about border control. Of course it doesn't mention the bill that was thwarted by Trump and the executive order that was since signed along with positive results. They tested out all of their Biden rhetoric with groups and fine tuned them over time. Time is their enemy right now. I'm very happy about that. I do see the "that's weird" sticking to them because it's the perfect response. It rattles them and makes them foam at the mouth to the point that they become incoherent. I love it so much.

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My sweet sweet Angel, Misha. Don't you dare disparage him.

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Not surprised Misha Collins was there and speaking. He was an intern in the Bill Clinton White House and has continued to be a prominent Democrat campaigner since then

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So, while Trump is an outsider and a breath of fresh air, Kamala is unqualified and a DEI hire. Just a friendly reminder that every Republican prez candidate since Reagan has been a 2nd gen or further child of wealth and privilege. They believe in a ruling class, and they are getting louder and louder about it.

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As a woman of colour in a tiny country that gets flu when America sneezes, I'd like to think that 'She's blaaaack' wouldn't be the only attack line that T&@$p and the Republicans need to win...but history suggests that if you mention her gender and ethnicity often enough in enough subtle ways that play on racism and misogyny, that IS all you need. Boy, would I love to be wrong about this, though.

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The line is always the same "When you're accustomed to privilege, equality seems like oppression. '

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Bernie withholding his endorsement of Harris is the first bad news I’ve seen in a bit, and it’s meh tier at worst. I don’t think that heralds a repeat of 2016, but Beeeeeerniiiiiiiiiiiie. Learn a fucking lesson. Please.

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He may technically be withholding an official endorsement, but the man was in Maine over the weekend holding a rally for her (and progressive politics).

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This is totally fair and I hadn’t read the text from his stumping when I commented.

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That's fine. He's fine. Makes Kamala look more moderate to conservative swing voters. It could also be that homie is just a tad sexist himself. This is not 2016, we know what the stakes are. There are people who will vote for a ham sandwich over Trump. The stakes are A LOT higher.

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I mean if I could only spot a trend with Bernie, stayed in the race in 2016 even though he had no path forward, told Warren she could never win in 2020 because she is a women, and now will not officially endorse Kamala until she gives him some guarantees, even though she fully supports Bidens policies, is left of Biden but he needs confirmation from her. It's almost like he might have issues with women in politics...

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Harris isn't a rapist, a convicted felon, or someone who promises that if elected they'll fix it so elections are no longer needed. WTF more does Bernie want?

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When I first watched the clip today I had the exact same thought upon watching the checkered disillusioned one.

Anyway, a thought by a foreigner that is following a usa presidential kinda intensely for the first time: I have the feeling Pete isn't going to be VP exactly for being put so ostensibly front and center since the Kamala Uprising, and he knows it and he's doing a godly job by playing for the team. If I were the democratic party I'd hide my pick until the last moment possible to avoid scrutiny by the opposition while still giving the real VP candidate enough visibility to be on everyone's radar.

That's why I think Pete's been put there as a faux pick because he's the perfect guy to expose to the world the GOP's rampant homophobia (et al.) while being absurdly eloquent, charismatic and proficient in his debates.

I might be reading too much into it but another example is his reluctance to enjoy the spotlight in that daily show entrance. The crowd was going craaaaazy and his eyes were begging Jon Stewart to move along and honestly, it might just be his shyness getting the better of him. Which is probably the most likely assumption anyway...

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30

Some attacks may start coming from the (unfair) "competence vs warmth" needle that women candidates have to thread - good piece on how that plays into VP picks: https://thehill-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/thehill.com/opinion/campaign/4798000-kamala-harris-warmth-competence-gender-misogyny/amp/

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Why are you making fun of some audience member?

Everything else in this article makes sense...

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