
Sure he wants to build literal concentration camps and is calling his "enemies" vermin, but don't you dare compare him to Hitler or flip him off in public. That's the REAL loss of values we should all be crying about.

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"If I happen to be president and I see somebody who’s doing well and beating me very badly, I say, ‘Go down and indict them.’ They’d be out of business. They’d be out of the election,”

Why is this not the headline of every single news outlet in America? He's openly admitting he's going to abuse the Justice Department to go after anyone who is more popular than he is. Not even disagrees with him! Just more popular than he is! The MSM is going to stupid us into a dictatorship. He's literally telling you he's going to act like a fascist and you don't make it the top news story?

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This should tell you something about MSM more than anything else

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It’s also proof he doesn’t want to win the presidency. He’s begging the public not to vote for him and either way he gets to delay delay in hopes to pause this till he kicks the bucket. The kids are the idiots for sticking with him cause they end up with nothing and all the blame when he croke.

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Funny how NYT's headline was just “Trump Takes Speech in a Very Different Direction." Liberal media strikes again!

And then Trump's spokesperson said that Trump's speech was nothing like dictators (while Trump also praised several of them in his speech) but also anyone who does say Trump's speech is like one will find "their entire existence will be crushed when President Trump returns to the White House." Totally normal stuff.

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The New York Times Pitchbot account on Twitter seems to be going in the same direction as The Onion - satire can't keep up with how dumb reality is

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Oh, but be fair! I can only speak for my local "news" media but how can they fit "rising tsunami of violent fascism" AND seven or eight stories about high school and college sports?

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Typically, when someone says such-and-such political hullabaloo will result in a second Civil War, it comes off like hyperbole.

But if Trump gets elected to a second term and executes on everything he has clearly laid out in his campaigning, he is absolutely setting the stage for another Civil War.

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But hey, Joe Biden fell off his bike once so really we have two bad choices. /sarcasm font

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That agenda most certainly is proof the work of revolting, evil prick Stephen Miller still rules in Trump world. No one is more deserving of a case of festering, gangrenous throat boils.

Also, the writing was on the wall for Tim Scott as soon as he introduced his girlfriend and revealed there really is nothing remotely intriguing behind his cartoon personna.

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Nov 13, 2023·edited Nov 13, 2023

Stephen fucking Miller. Still not 40! Evil rots your body, and your soul.

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He's 18 months younger than I am and looks at least 18 years older than I do.

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Well I guess we have a wedding to look forward to as Scott said the only way he'd make her public is if he intended to marry her.

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If TFG gets into exercisable political power again it will be a misnomer at best to characterize it as "a second term"

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I am terrified of a second Trump term.

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I think "every human" is the right demo to be terrified of a second Trump term. We're barely hanging on as is.

Can't imagine what made me think of this: Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, largely because I've ghosted a large part of my extended family at this point. My mom, my aunt, my Jewish uncle, his brother, a friend whose dickface ex has the kid that day, the wife and the 10-year old. Turkey trot in the morning, overconsumption kicking off promptly at noon.

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“Their entire existence will be crushed.”

Reasonable response, right? o.O

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It was nice to be called radical left vermin who needs to be eradicated on veteran’s day. Usually people just thank me for my service an uncomfortable amount and give me free ice cream. But if being a liberal vet makes me vermin, call me Chuck E. Cheese, motherfucker. If he wants a civil war, I’ve got a shed full of Kevlar and tactical gear and it still fits. Unlike these Y’all Qaeda/ Vanilla ISIS/ Gravy Seal: Meal Team Six cosplaying dickheads, I know how to use it.

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I can't take credit for the nicknames, they belong to the internet smartasses. But it does go to show that the left has most of the creative internet smartasses. The right has been burping "let's go Brandon!" for over a year like it's the height of humor. I just saw a pickup with a huge 'Let's go Brandon' flag not 30 minutes ago.

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I think it's time to let go of/get over this narrative of a republican vs maga republican - they are one and the same because they vote together. They love to see him do their dirty work, getting rid of all the pesky law-abiding obstacles so they can have what they want: power. If he wins - and rewrites the way our country operates - they will love it. They are not afraid of it, they welcome it. The only people who should be and are terrified are democracts & independents.

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Agree that collectively they are dumb enough to think and act like you describe here but I think the point of the article is that helping install TFG will not protect them from him and that's why they specifically *should* be afraid of him even if they are too dumb to actually *be* afraid of him.

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Hmm... maybe I need to read the article more closely, but I don't get the impression any of them are helping him in an effort to protect themselves from him. I think they all welcome the chaos that he brings on their behalf, however short-sighted it may be. Historically, chaos is how authoritarian's get their foot in the door.

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Agreed again. But also really short sighted of people likely to be harmed in the chaos to help foment the chaos, no?

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When you say 'people harmed in the chaos' - do you mean the politicians who enabled him, but will be harmed? If yes, I'm not sure how they get harmed, can you say more? If you mean innocent people harmed in the chaos... I don't think his fellow republicans care about them. Or maybe something else?

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Put another way, absolutely everyone will be harmed in the chaos, and when it's gone on long enough and enough people have been harmed then those doing the harming are going to be harmed on makeshift scaffolds everywhere the people they harmed can sling one together. None of this is a thing to relish or hope for.

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Agreed. Those who will be harmed on makeshift scaffolds will have assumed any repercussions headed their way either wouldn't come at all, or not 'til long after they're gone.

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Everyone here has something to lose, even the goddamn mouthbreathers who populate the deep red corners of my dumbass state. Surely you know that

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I think 'duh' is the appropriate response? I say this along with you, not at you, just to be clear.

Don't forget, the original thesis of our little thread was not whether the people will suffer (we're both clear, they will). It's why the republicans should be terrified of trump. And the truth IMO, is they just won't be. Even in the face of those bastards on Jan 6 - they stood against him for 10 min, then caved. They welcome the chaos and the New Order they think it'll portend. Which brings us back to your aforementioned scaffolds...

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The "only people are democrats and independents"? Nope. ANY brown, black, Asian, LGBTQ, handicapped, etc., should be and are terrified. (The conservatives who fall into these categories haven't yet realized that it's just a matter of time.)

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I mean I wish the media cared. They are still debating why Biden needs to drop out.

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I just read a long article where various WaPo columnists wasted all of our time discussing which non-Trump candidates could capture the “50% non-MAGA base” of the GOP and I wanted to scream.

There’s actual, real things to write about and instead I get to read Kathleen Parker try to sell Nikki Haley to an electorate that has already picked Trump. He’s their candidate and the media needs to start focusing on him rather than these pie-in-the-sky imaginings where Biden resigns after a single bad poll and the GOP are seriously considering an alternative to Trump. Neither of those two things are happening.

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Yeah the media is not covering itself with glory these days.

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He quotes fascists with increasing regularity. He lays out clear, bright plans to use the executive to destroy any concept of freedom in this country. Perhaps all the media outlets that gleefully print his petty insults and petulant gripes can wake up and understand that just because someone is silly and ignorant doesn't mean they aren't a threat.

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"If I happen to be president and I see somebody who’s doing well and beating me very badly, I say, ‘Go down and indict them.’ They’d be out of business. They’d be out of the election,” he told Univision a few days ago." In another time I'd say this was his way of insuring a loss, since we know he doesn't really want to be president again. However, he's not that clever...plus you know, all of those indictments.

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In this same interview, I'm pretty sure he grumbled, "Hispanic, Latino, you have a lot of names."

Truly a man of the people.

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That spokesman comment is straight out of a mel brooks comedy its so absurd. It would be comical if these people didn't mean it, but since they do its terrifying.

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Fascists always say they aren't fascists, but all of their enemies are, somehow...

It's like if you meet an asshole in the morning, you met an asshole. If you meet assholes all day long, you're probably the asshole.

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Sometimes their enemies are fascists (sic) and sometimes their enemies are communists (sic) and sometimes their enemies are socialists (sic) and sometimes Jonah Goldberg will explain how these three things are all the same thing.

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All this is possible if any Republican wins the nomination and beats Biden, if Trump is still behind the scenes. My nightmare scenario: Republicans nominate someone else who, next to Trump, appears “normal” and “safe” and gets elected. As horrible as it will be, Trump is the easiest Republican to beat.

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I think that such a person needs to also be [someone who the base thinks is] charismatic.

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I’m concerned that his MAGA base stays home, and the republicans, moderate Dems, and the folks pissed at Biden for (age…policies…whatever) will vote for whomever is NOT Trump, NOT Biden, and not 3rd party. Looks safe but is not.

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