Can't decide if Desantis flopping so hard on the national stage is proof a) the Republicans have gerrymandered Florida so hard that even an unlikable piece of shit like Desantis can win and turn it into his own feudal medieval fiefdom, b) Floridians are easily led morons that elect vile garbage people like Desantis because they are also vile garbage people c) Killing education for 5 decades in the state has made people like Desantis appear smart d) some combination of all three.

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Gerrymandered isn't the right word because the governor is decided by popular vote, but if you change it to "disenfranchised voters" then yes, it's option A.

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Well-stated. I'll admit I roll my eyes a bit when my friends and family in Texas insist that it's truly a blue state. Maybe, except Abbott won reelection in 2022 by nearly a million votes. Desantis also won in 2022 by 1.5 million votes.

There's certainly an argument to be made for voter suppression, though I don't know if it would be enough to turn the proverbial tide. At least it would make things truly competitive, which is good.

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I've lived in Florida for over 12 years now. It's like the Democrats gave up on Florida.

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I've lived in Atlanta since 1999. After years of being totally ignored by the Democrats, I assumed -- no, knew -- that they'd completely given up on us. Then 2020 happened.

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Having lived there for 12 horrible years, all of the above.

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Trump is also getting the media kid glove treatment. When he gives a speech where he repeatedly confuses Nikki Haley for Nancy Pelosi because he can't be bothered to tell women apart it should be front page news. He didn't do it once, he did it again and again and again.

Joe Biden does that and it's news for days.

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It was all over Meet the Press on Sunday but unless you're apparently me or my dad, nobody watches it.

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This forever.

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Hopefully, this is the last we hear about ol' pudding fingers ron's national ambitions.

He's still a fascist, and still in charge in Florida, though. Forcing everyone there to be dumber and more evil by the minute.

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Vast majority of voters have not really engaged in presidential politics yet. Hoping that once they realize that Trump is going to be the nominee and start listening to his unhinged confused rantings plus unpopular policy’s the polls will get a lot better for Biden. Meanwhile, the Republican party are willing hostages to Trump‘s thuggery (they’re afraid of his base and him) and all hoping they will be the heir apparent when he keels over-preferably in his jail cell. Can’t wait to see who he scrapes up off the bottom of the barrel to be his VP pick.

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Do we have to wait til (if) he's in a jail cell for him to keel over? I have always wanted to see him convicted and locked up. But the election is dangerously close to hope for any legal resolution to come before November. So I will happily settle for the keeling over on his golf course or on stage at one of his rallies.

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Just imagine the state of the country where the best hope of keeping an absolute sociopath like Trump out of office is by his convicted of some or all of the many crimes he's accused of - as in, the electorate is so far gone that they can't be reliably counted on to bring sanity back.

Of course the easiest way to have prevented all of this is for him to simply lose the nomination - but the GOP is so bereft of "qualify" candidates and so stuffed to the rafters with snivelling sycophants who think its a strategy to run against someone with out ever daring to criticize them, likely because they're terrified of their own side, that that ship has long sailed.

I don't give a shit how old or senile people think Biden is (which he isn't by the way) - or how angry you are that the ultimate centrist Washington insider hasn't immediately backed away from 70 years of bipartisan US government policy to denounce Israel and call them genocidal and insist they engage in peace talks with a group that wants nothing more than its destruction (regardless of how you feel about Palestine, in no world does Hamas want any kind of legitimate peace talks - any serious discussion of peace needs, at a minimum, neither Hamas nor Netanyahu anywhere near the negotiating table), despite the fact that in totality he is actually one of the more progressive Presidents of the last 50+ years at least, the fact the upcoming election is even considered competitive let alone close, when the choice is Biden or Trump, represents an almost complete failure of the American system and tells me that a significant portion of Americans either doesn't know, understand or care about the ideals on which the country was supposedly founded.

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I agree, but then I remember how dumb and conspiracy minded this country is, and it would devolve into blaming Biden for taking a hit out on him.

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Yeah I want him to lose election big time, get carted off to jail and then keel over (or stay alive don’t really care). His base will worship him for the rest of their lives but I’m really looking forward to Don Jr and various other deplorables fight for his mantle.

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The time after he dies is going to be a nightmare. His followers will scream bloody murder, no matter what the cause is.

The idea of an unhealthy man in his late 70s dying being expected wouldn't even cross their minds.

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Another place I frequent has Kari Lake as the odds-on favorite.

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I can see this. I can also see Tim Scott (how I loathe that man). During Scott's attempt, he didn't criticize Trump and I don't think Trump criticized him. At the very least Scott WANTS to be the VIP pick what with his endorsement of Trump while Trump looked on and then Trump telling the crowd that he was a "good" and "respected" man.

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Scott would make trump happy-“see I’m not a racist” kind of happy. May happen. Who knows what is going on in that nonsense rapidly deteriorating brain of his.

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I'm sure Tim Scott thinks that his value, and to a degree it is, but from Trump's point of view he can sell that message without having to reward Scott in that way - there's a reason he thought the best place in cabinet for a world-renowned black neurosurgeon was as HUD Secretary. The Black people willing to vote for Trump and deny his racism don't need that level of convincing - trust.

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Maybe too crazy. I think Noem or Stefanik.

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I think Stefanik. Her appearance on Meet the Press a few Sundays ago was her audition for the VP position. She was parroting his talking points and was speaking his love language. She wants it so badly.

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Kristi Noem's profile has been fairly quiet through the last 6 months. It's still possible. It's going to depend on how soon the campaign decides to start looking before the convention and who's got the highest profile at that time. We keep assuming it'll be a woman as well. I don't know if that assumption is good or bad.

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Trump is going to be spending 90% of the next 6 months in courtrooms making a complete ass of himself on live tv. If Biden can't capitalize on that and win people over by comparison then the country is doomed. I honestly wouldn't be so worried about the election but Biden seems determined to lose Gen Z's votes with his slavish devotion to Israel's revenge campaign against Gaza. Turns out, " we fund them because we always have" doesn't absolve him of blame in their eyes when every single building is leveled with Americas bombs and they can watch endless videos of dead crying children in their social media feeds while Israel acts like the good guys, as if the hypocrisy doesn't just make it even grosser. Trump being even worse won't motivate them to vote. We need them to turn out in record numbers like last time and I am genuinely concerned that Netanyahus bullshit is going to cost Biden the election if they sit it out en masse.

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Ok, I understand the anger about Gaza but this keeps young women from voting democratic and we get a national f’ing abortion ban? I’m old and the mess in the Middle East has been going on for decades. And most people don’t vote based on international issues UNLESS they are being sent overseas to fight in said countries. Sadly there are crying babies all over the world but not voting does not solve that problem. Repub president will pour money and support Netanyahu’s way and pull us out of nato and let Putin take Ukraine. Anyone that doesn’t understand these simple facts is purposefully ignoring reality or they’re bots on social media stirring up problems.

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I agree, that type of rhetoric about Gaza from liberals drives me crazy. You want to help Gaza, by punishing Biden...so you're going to help elect someone with a worse human rights record, a demonstrated hatred of Muslim people, and a very pro-Netanyahu track record. The status quo absolutely sucks but it is wild to see people say that sitting out this election is some sort of sane response to this.

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It is making me WILD with rage about this-- you'd rather risk even more lives lost in Gaza to "send a message" to the Democratic party? Do you think they give a single shit? Trump would happily send gold-plated bulldozers to Israel while taking away the right to be trans in public and banning electric vehicles.

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Clearly the way to send a message that the Democratic party doesn't care enough about the people of Gaza is to vote for someone who will be all in on bombing Gaza off the face of the earth.

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The Abortion battle is already lost on the federal stage. The supreme court is compromised and thats not going to change anytime soon. Who is president is irrelevent towards any further federal restrictions, its the senate that matters now going forward, so thats where people should focus their efforts. If Trump gets back into office, we will have bigger problems than even a nationwide abortion ban to worry about. There are wars and genocides happening all over, sure, but America is only directly funding one of them and the media is attacking ANYONE who dares to not toe the line on Israels right to do whatever the fuck it wants to with no consequences with our tax dollars. You might not think that is a big deal, but I assure you it is hurting Biden more than you realize with the young voters who have yet to have their idealism beaten out of them by the capitalist hellscape America has become.

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The hope of a national right to abortion is surely already lost--but the battle against a national ban is very much still on the table. The Rs in the Senate don't seem quite crazy enough to take it up (yet ... ), but I'd still like someone who'd veto that bill in the WH.

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National abortion ban so that even in blue states it will become illegal if people stay home and don’t vote and we give the repubs the presidency and congress. Cutting off your nose to spite your face comes to mind. Anyway last Yougov/Economist polls had Biden polling at 54% and trump at 25% with under 30’s. International issues do not decide an election.

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This is the one thing that does worry me a bit as I strive to remain unbothered. The campaign really needs to help Gen Z see that there is no coming back if 45 wins, no "that'll teach them." I still believe that reproductive rights will be the primary issue, the way it has been for the last few cycles.

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So having abortion become basically illegal in 30 states doesn’t convince them? Books being banned in red states doesn’t convince them? Gay and trans people and people of color being vilified by repubs doesn’t convince them? Repubs saying that they will put in a NATIONAL abortion ban doesn’t give them pause?

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I think they care about all of it, but I think that they are in the throes of feeling the luxury of youthful idealism and lack of experience which they believe makes their voices alone enough to change everything. If they can't immediately get what they want on this current issue then they'll teach the country a lesson, so that next time the country will listen to them, not understanding that there won't be a next time.

When the Parkland School shooting happened I remember the passion that these kids had in the immediate aftermath, the marches, the speeches in Washington, the declarations that THEY were FINALLY going to be the generation to make wholesale change because THEY would never give up and they were unique and different than previous generations. I hoped so, but at the same time knew it wouldn't happen because life happened the way it has to all of us. There are only two voices that are immediately known to me now from this group and one is a parent of one of the students murdered.

I'm meandering, but I what I meant is that reproductive rights will be the winning issue for everyone, not just Gen Z.

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I knew too many people who insisted on writing in Bernie because they wanted to send a message to the DNC, and when Trump was elected, their response was "they should have nominated Bernie instead of Hillary", just a pathological refusal to accept reality.

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Yeah, choice and gun rights are important for me and I’m also really glad I live in a very blue state. I’m old, I was around before roe vs Wade (young but I know older friends who’s lives were put in danger).

Biden is polling well with under 30’s so I don’t think they’re going to vote repub but they do need to gotv. That’s always been a problem with younger voters and repubs are making it harder and harder to vote these days. Calif mails a ballot to every registered voters and I love that.

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If American elections are being decided on the basis of wars being fought on the other side of the world in which not a single American soldier is participating, then the country is f**ked already.

And if young progressives are really so stupid as to let this be the issue that decides their vote, and moreso somehow concludes that not voting for Biden will lead to a preferred outcome on this issue, then they're more naive and frankly selfish than I had ever imagined.

It's a 2 party system - the only outcome of not electing Biden is electing Trump. Voting for a Marianne Williamson or RFK Jr is the same as lighting your vote on fire and is the purview of "silver spoon socialists" who know that they'll be fine regardless of who wins so they don't care how they vote.

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I do not give a good goddamn who wins the GOP New Hampshire primary. With one exception I know of, every one of the failed contenders has endorsed The Orange Loser, lips fully puckered. Haley will be doing the same shortly. American voters need to wake the fuck up and recognize putting the coming Trump/Stefanik ticket in office may very well be the last vote they ever get to make.

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I can't remember, was Nikki Haley one of the original birthers, calling Obama "Hussein"?

I sincerely fear this election and its aftermath is going to be so ugly, that Jan 6 will look quaint by comparison. It's true that people who vote democrat don't act like the most vile republican voters and for good reason, but when it comes down to Trump stealing the next election, this country better be ready to stand up. Trump gets away with everything, he hasn't had a REAL consequence yet. And even if he loses his court cases (both criminal and civil), he'll gum up the works for so long that it won't matter. And, inexplicably, every thing bad that would sink a normal candidate only helps him, so he's probably hoping for a conviction. I don't believe Maggie Haberman when she says even for Trump a conviction would be bad. No. Nothing touches this guy. It's infuriating. And listening to any, ANY, journalist talk about Trump like he's even somewhat of a normal candidate makes me crazy. yes, they have to cover him, but EVERY SINGLE report, article, whatever, should emphasize his lunacy and his derangement. He's not "strategic", he's doing whatever floats through his dumb head that he thinks will make him 'win' in that moment. I loathe him so much.

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There was a massive protest in Germany of the far right, over a million people turned out this weekend across the country to protest the far right to protest comments the party made about mass deportation. Signs saying Never Again is Now and Now we can see what we would have done in our grandparents position. We need to start doing that before the election. We cannot let them get anymore power. We need to show up and tell the world, because they are all watching us, that America is strong and we will stand up to fascism now that it is here on our door.

Anyone know how to rally a few million people?

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I don’t think so on birther conspiracies towards Obama (at least nothing’s coming up on Google). But she was definitely one of those “Obama made racism worse by talking about racism” people.

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Yep. This is the same reason she won't directly respond to 45's racist, sexist attacks on her. She knows the base loves it when he does it and will only get mad at her for being "woke" by addressing it;.

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Jeff Sharlet's book The Undertow has been popular for the last few weeks, even though it was released 9 months ago. Even though he thinks the Trump base is blatantly fascist, he doesn't think they're going to insurrect again, *unless* gun bans start happening. I think that would have to happen in more places than Illinois' recent ban for it to touch anything off.

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Know polling isn't the most reliable, but 35-40% still say their support for Trump would end were he convicted of a crime. And that's triple or quadruple the number needed to absolutely sink Trump's candidacy, no matter what his cultists claim. Just like the original Teflon Don, it seems like the consequences will never, ever catch you—until they do.

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I definitely started getting the feeling last summer that there was something profoundly weird about DeSantis and I'm glad the rest of the country caught on to it.

Like, his policies were always trash, but that's usually not a reason for voters to turn their nose up at a candidate - especially Republicans.

DeSantis has nervous goblin energy and now everyone knows it.

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Welp, if the GOP didn’t have a huge misogyny problem they would’ve realized long ago that Casey was the DeSantis that would’ve made a better politician. Better looking, better public speaker, interacts with other humans naturally. That’s all a Republican needs - job experience and credentials mean fuck all. I wonder if, while doing her best Jackie O cosplay, she ever thought… no shade, but I could run circles around Ron. Or was the role of Supportive Wife enough for her? Not knocking her choices either way (feminism!) I just get curious if the obviously better half of a thirsty for power political couple ever wants to shove them aside and yell, “you’re fucking this up, let ME do it!” With that, I’ll hopefully never have to think of any DeSantis again. Amen. And I’m sorry, Florida. Come fetch your governor.

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Casey DeSantis was a broadcast journalist with an Econ BS. She's got the natural human thing down, and at least as good of a brain as any of us. (Irrespective of her taste in spouses)

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Fuck you, Meatball Ron. I hope that the door repeatedly hits you where the good lord split you.

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The only good thing that could come out of this authoritarian flirtation is the concept that perhaps the stock market and even unemployment rates are not the bee all and end all of economic indicators. I know it's probably in bad faith, but Republicans screaming that everything is more expensive and working people cannot make ends meet is SO CLOSE TO THE POINT.

However they still think Trump will fix this, so maybe not.

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"but because he looked unnatural when he spoke and even more unnatural when he laughed."

I don't get this. Trump only looked natural on The Apprentice because of the magic of editing and direction. That National Disgrace is unnatural as Ron's boots.

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I don't think anyone would have stood a chance this year because this year was just about "revenge" for 2020. Under any other circumstances, governor Book Burner might have had a decent chance because he pushes all the same old culture war shit. That having been said, his "war" on Disney can't sit well with the money people. Nobody wants to support a guy who might turn on them at any moment for just trying to be supportive of more customers. I also don't think the general public is into the culture war shit as the republican base thinks they are. He might have done well with the nomination but he would have been blown out in the general. Most people just don't give that much of a shit about drag queens.

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I’m not sure I agree we won’t see ole pudding fingers again in 2028. He may run for senate to buy time but I absolutely think he and his stepford looking wife want the White House. They have four year to rewire and upgrade the robot to make it more human like. “They can rebuild him. They have the technology”. 😂

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I think he might try to primary Rick Perry, but he will lose. I look forward to that being the nail in his pudding cup coffin.

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If a Republican wins the White House, there go Alito & Thomas so we will have two more conservative Justices on the bench for 40 years. Hell, Roberts may retire as well because he doesn't want to have to deal with the destruction of an institution (too late for that btw9). Do you think the Democrats have the actual guts to do what TurtleFace did and block any of their nominees if they hold onto the Senate? There's a decent chance at least one of them will go during the next presidential term anyway considering the fact that they are 73 & 75 respectively and will be 78 & 80 when the next president takes office

And speaking of TurtleFace, we all know he hate TFG with a passion and understands the danger he is to democracy. But of course he will suck it up to get those sweet sweet judgeships that keep his heart beating.

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Wish I shared your confidence that this is the last we see of Senor Flop Sweat on the national political stage.

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Sounds like he was just a terrible campaigner with zero charisma and extreme awkwardness. Good job Florida electing this creep. Anyway I think he’s probably done and we’ll be dealing with a new crop of hideous trump wanna be’s in 2026 and 2028. I mean trump can’t possibly survive another 4 years and pretty sure his mental state (if not physical) will be gonzo very soon.

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