I wish we'd just do the two conventions and two debates in October and vote in November and be done with it.

I also hope that when trump is FINALLY out of the picture, we can stop with his whole "gotta campaign/rally/fundraise 24/7/365!" mentality. Fuck Citizens United.

All that said, I did enjoy what I've seen so far of the Democratic convention speeches. I also enjoyed the Olympic opening ceremony. I think I'm getting old. Or this stuff is getting genuinely better. I honestly can't tell.

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"gotta campaign/rally/fundraise 24/7/365!"

They're taking that literally. Now that Georgia is a swing state, I've been getting tons of texts "from" Democrat bigwigs, all of them very long paeans to why voting and especially donating are so important. The cherry on top was a text from Barack Obama (or some DNC staffer) last night... at 12:27am. I love the former president, but who the hell thought it was a good idea to text people with donation requests after midnight? I laughed, but sheesh.

ETA: And I just got a text from "Tim Walz" at 12:05am.

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I thought Michelle Obama was absolutely fantastic but I really think everyone is sleeping on Barack's speech, which I thought was the superior oratory. I would never go out of my way to mention that, but it seems like people (not necessarily here) are actually putting down the latter speech by comparison which I think it nuts.

I do think it's interesting that the roles they now inhabit for the Democratic Party and to an extent the nation is as our national parents. These were the kind of pep talks you would hope to get from your parents, if your parents were unspeakably brilliant, kind, accomplished, loving people.

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I cosign this, I literally texted our group chat "I'm so excited to see Barack and Michelle in their rightful roles as America's mom and dad."

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I get why "California Love" is the choice and using "Not Like Us" was some premium, chef's-kiss shade. But don't tease "The Next Episode" then yank it away before the first DA-DA-DA-DA-DA. WTF California? That's just mean.

I now demand video of President Harris entering 1600 to that song on January 20th, and further request that someone hack Fox News so it plays every time they try to load a video package.

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The original beginning is from a song called "The Edge". I once played that song, which begins that way and goes into sort of a moody jazz piece, at a neighborhood BBQ and almost lost friends, my neighbors were so pissed. I had to rush and remedy it by playing the (far superior) Snoop and Dre track immediately.

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LOL, no dis to The Edge but I love that you had to "fix it fast." The people have spoken! I knew vaguely that "The Next Episode" opened with sampled sounds but for me, the first note plays and my whole body goes on Dance Alert Status, waiting for "da-da-da-da-DA..." to kick down the doors. I FKKING love that song. ❤️

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The scream I scrumpt when Lil Jon came out. And as a former North Carolinian, the whoop I hollered when they played Petey Pablo, "Raise Up". It was a super fun roll call. Side note, I felt so bad for Tony Evers during Wisconsin's roll call b/c I could totally see myself getting all flustered and flubbing it.

I love Gavin Newsom, he's my governor, but I wish he would have shared the mic since he's supposedly introducing Kamala on Thursday.

I thought Michelle's speech was better than Barack's! She's such a natural.

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Oh my….every clip I see from last night just immediate tears welling up in my eyes and my chest tightens up….it was all so beautiful and amazing and elicited so many laughs too! Someone said in the comments or maybe a tweet or something (I think, although possible I’m wrong) “Michelle Obama has me ready to run through a brick wall” and yes…it’s crazy how fired up it all got me!!

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Justin Pearson is a brilliant speaker. I'm nowhere near Tennessee, but if he's speaking, I'm watching.

The Lil' Jon thing took me out. It was just so unexpected and delightful. I also watched multiple times.

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Gave me flashbacks to the Super Bowl. That song is a unifying banger!

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It really is!!!

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Personally, I always love the Roll Call. Seeing people from all over the country and world, diverse and enthusiastic as hell to be there. I confess I get a bit choked up, and it makes me proud and hopeful.

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The 2020 DNC roll call was a highlight of that year. They did so well with their virtual convention.

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I'm not American, don't live in America and can't vote, but holy shit did Michelle's speech make me proud to be one! Honestly I was damned near ready to quit my job and go campaign full time. Her line about not having the privilege of constantly failing forward or the affirmative action of generational wealth, or the ability to whine constantly when one thing doesn't go your way. God DAMN..

Oh yeah and Barrack was great too, but Michelle absolutely owned Day 2. The quip about crowd sizes was gold!

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I genuinely don't understand how people can listen to these speeches and listen to Trumps recent ramblings and think he is a talented politician qho deserves their vote. He is an atrocious orator, a terrible human being, and aside from people agreeing with his racism and sexism I cant see why he is still so popular.

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I just go EW every time I hear him played on NPR. Like what is he even saying!?

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Same here. Not American, but ready to do whatever Michelle Obama wants me to. President Obama is the best orator to hold that position, and his speech was brilliant but he’s the second best speaker in his family - and he admitted it.

Loved watching Doug and Obama be so proud of how awesome their wives are

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The affirmative action of generational wealth line took my breath away!! I hope someone starts selling merch with that line.

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Some idiot on Twitter responded to the @kamalahq tweet by posting a pic of the Obamas’ Martha’s Vineyard house to disprove their “generational wealth”. Oh, you sweet summer child. Wait, no. You MAGA dumbass who doesn’t know the meaning of the term.

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Its because they all think that because they were born on 3rd base it means they hit a triple. They don't understand the concept of earning your wealth because they've never done it.

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I have often said that Donald Trump was born on third base and got caught trying to steal second. I'm sad it hasn't taken hold yet because it's factually accurate.

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Michelle Obama's eyebrows. Some of you will immediately understand why I'm talking about them. That woman's eyebrows have, for me, always brought an extra level of quality commentary. Unspoken but definitely heard. I remember her on the stage in 2007 with Cindy McCain and I think some other women who were asked some humorous question that was something about seeing themselves with another husband or something about husbands. It was a chancy question. I will never forget her response: her lips scrunching up and the one eyebrow arching. The instantly relatable expression of a woman, who despite being married to a brilliant man she loved, that oh yes, even she has considered her options. All the other women wore pasted on fake smiles and gave some manufactured response but not her. She let a moment of hilarious reality come through, which is so incredibly rare. And I thought, well damn I have never seen anyone in politics be so real and use their eyebrows in such an endearing way. It was like seeing an old friend give you a look across a room that you understood implicitly. I loved her for that. And in all the years since, along with that wonderful side smile and her voice (god I love her voice), her eyebrows have said far more than a thousand pages of commentary. And last night those eyebrows and that sideways up tucked smile really brought me such joy. I've missed her. I just really like her. Her husband is pretty damn awesome too.

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I now desperately want to see a clip of her answering the question you describe here!

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🎵 They're simply the best 🎵

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I loved that both Michelle and Barack called out the cult of personality thing that has overtaken politics on both sides. We're voting for fallible humans who we trust will do their best to represent us, not a godlike being who will do everything exactly according to each different person's perfect little plan.

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Look, Barack made a really good dick joke, but Michelle is the GOAT.

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Agreed. And Michelle's "Black jobs" comment was every bit as perfect a jab at trump as Barack's dick joke.

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I ugly cried during the roll call -- while dancing, alone, with a whiskey on the rocks. Two things get me stupidly patriotic: the Olympics Opening Ceremony and the DNC Roll Call. ALL GAS -- NO BREAKS!

This shit feels so good, but find ways to volunteer in any way you can think of.

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Agree, Michelle was the best. Just…damn.

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I knew that Lil John had been on The Apprentice once, but checking this morning, he was on twice and was in the Final 4 on both of those seasons. I hate that I know this, but when you got that high up on the winners circle in TA, you got to be around Trump a decent amount. And we all know why Trump wouldn't pick Lil John as the winner (duh) so this roll call was some seriously glorious shade that I will be feasting on for a long time.

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I still have to get to Doug's speech. Can't wait. The Obama's are special and once in a lifetime.

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Doug’s speech was so good….a really nice overview that lead to him being in this moment and he really seems like a good guy. Make sure you see his son’s intro video too.

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