Heather Cox Richardson noted that Neil Young personally granted permission to use "Rockin' in the Free World". When Trump has tried to use it, Young has sued. As I said yesterday, I'll never get tired of musicians saying yes to decent humans and no to hateful assholes.

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The Dems consistently have the best music. The Republicans ... they just don't seem to get music, perhaps because it's about emotion? I know we've all seen that clip of Trump "dancing" to YMCA, but I can't picture him having a favourite song, or favourite artist. I guess that's partly how you end up with Kid Rock at your convention...

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I love this, and I'm also relieved. There's a lot of rock 'n' roll boomers out there who've been Kennedy worshipers. (I expect the one next door to go into full melt-down when RFKjr quits tomorrow, if the reporting can be believed)

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I mean, what says "rock n roll" harder than a clan of rich white society-page Christians yachting off Cape Cod and redecorating White Houses? Oh, Boomers... some of you tripped harder on rosy nostalgia than you ever did on acid.

The RFKJ signs around here piss me off almost more than the Trump ones. If I found you a serial pedophile named Poppins, you'd let him babysit.

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The Trump kids were the biggest losers of last night. Imagine having to see over and over what a good parent's love and respect look like while your own dad is Donald Trump.

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“Last night”?!? ;-)

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I feel bad liking this but cannot argue that it's the damn truth.

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Had the same thought. Can't imagine them ever looking at DJT with the kind of affection Gus has for his Dad, or that it would ever be requited. Trump's affection for his kids is either weirdly sexual (Ivanka) or tied to the degree to which they kiss his ass or prove themselves useful to him.

Ad JD? I won't say he doesn't love his kids, or his spouse, but he seems to treat them more as props, at least now.

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Former student talking about how coach looked for extra jobs in the school district and worked as a middle school coach in two sports just so that he could pay off the school lunch debt of a high school student just blew me away. Good people are the best things about life. Love this so much.

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I’ve thought of the closing lines of Middlemarch a lot recently, and while obviously Walz has now ascended to fame, I think they still apply:

"But the effect of her being on those around her was incalculably diffusive: for the growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life, and rest in unvisited tombs."

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And I love that both Kamala and Doug worked at McDonald's during college.

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“That’s my dad” made me cry, feel joy and worry about that kid. I want him wrapped in a protective bubble away from republicans and maga trolls and right wing media. His life just got a lot bigger but his parents and sister will be there for him. I saw a clip of Mike Lindell the pillow guy, who was trolling around the convention lobby, get into an argument with a 12 year old boy and I thought these people will do or say anything. Why he was allowed in is a different story. Anyway off to watch video of all the speeches I missed last night. Watched the roll call yesterday afternoon and sobbed through parts of it. Great job DNC and Harris team.

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Stephanie Miller just commented that the ugly underbelly of the MAGA world (is it really even an underbelly at this point?) is already coming for that sweet kid. I get very stabby just thinking about their incessant bullying of all that is good in this world.

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Yep, just saw two tweets making fun of him. I’m not on Twitter anymore but people on threads posted screen shots. Ann Coulter had a pic of Gus crying and wrote “talk about weird”. I just have no words.

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Ann Coulter can suck it. Who makes fun of children like that? Terrible people, that's who. I hope a bird craps on her today.

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Of course these basement dwellers think it's weird to love and be proud of your parent.

Explains why they turned out the way they did.

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I appreciate your reply, and I guess it is good to know exactly what these monsters are up to. But this has honestly enraged me so much that I am having trouble focusing on life's necessities today.

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Oh God, you've just reminded me of why and how much I freakin' LOATHE Ann Coulter. What a harpy she is.

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Thank god we're not in the old days of SNL, because you *know* they'd do a bit about Gus. Fingers crossed they've grown up enough to know he's OFF THE TABLE. Because looking at BlueSky & Twitter this morning, there's an army of people ready to go into battle to protect Gus!

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We will riot!

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Making fun of someone who is neurodivergent for the way he shows emotions is 100% on brand for the current GOP lacking in soul and empathy (although I understand that could be argued for a very long time now that they probably never did). I saw they were also mocking a man from the first day (didn't catch his name) who has ALS and is in a wheelchair.

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For real? Damn, that's low. When I was a kid learning about the rise of fascism I had trouble fathoming how monsters like Hitler, with an entire agenda based on ugliness and hatred, could gain traction amongst "normal" people. And yet here we are. Trite, I know, but nonetheless true. I have lived amongst such monsters my whole life and never knew it.

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So, a local friend (well, mutual twitter follow) is a DNC delegate. He's proudly autistic and says that he wants to bring neurodiversity to the convention, and according to his tweets, he's having an absolute blast. Last night, Michael Harriot posted a clip of some guy photobombing the MSNBC anchors after Walz's speech. Yup, that was Seth. He was dancing in a delightfully goofy way and then gave a little wave before wandering off. When I saw the tweet, I froze, expecting lots of mockery in the comments. The first reply was from Seth himself, proudly proclaiming, "That's me!" And all -- well, most of -- the replies turned out to be... positive! Cheering him on for letting loose and having fun. Even though I know Seth could take a bit of ribbing, I was so relieved and pleased for him.

The tweet: https://x.com/michaelharriot/status/1826473594685108462

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That’s fantastic!

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I have one friend who is a MAGA, who I have known since kindergarten. We are not close at all. I’ve always given her a bit of a pass because her parents totally screwed her over and raised her on Rush Limbaugh to be a proto-tradwife with no money.

She’s smart enough to never talk politics, but I know she is all in on Trump and super homophobic. I invited her to spend the weekend with me in mid-October and immediately started regretting it.

It makes me sick to think about her family laughing at Gus. If she even tries it around me, we’re over.

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I doom-scroll Facebook now to see which of my "friends" has bought into this MAGA cult. It's become a great way to cull the people who really don't deserve my attention.

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I happily blocked my daughter in law’s step father yesterday after he messaged me in Instagram stories to inform me that the democrats and the Obama’s and Kamala are “commiecrats” and unamerican. Laughable if it wasn’t so pathetic. what is this the 1950’s? Commie’s?

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Since elections are all about comparisons between the two sides (and there couldn't be a starker contrast between this convention and there's) but really it just feels good to see actual human beings having a good time and getting emotional for the people they love instead of the parade of sociopathic ghouls and grifters that are rising to the top on the other side.

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Dammit *theirs. We need an edit button!!

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There is an edit button. Just click on those three dots.

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Theres nothing there. Are their different versions of the app or something?

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You only have a short amount of time to edit (Substack's help doesn't say what the time limit is though, so helpful).

So I can see an edit option on the comment I made 17 minutes ago, but not the ones I made previous days.

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It’s the dots underneath your comment and mine say edit or delete. I’m just using my iPhone to check on it right now and it’s fine.

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I guess maybe the android version is different then.

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I'm on a mac, and there's no edit option, even under the three dots, not all the interface is the same across apps/platforms.

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Using google on my desktop and no edit function.

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I haven't been watching the DNC, just seeing clips and such the next day. but man, that Walz clip with Gus. Maybe in another election it wouldn't be as meaningful, but especially in contrast to trump/vance (and r's generally), it is so affirming and wonderful. I have to get to court soon, but I'm sitting in my office shedding some tears.

Oh and I also loved that Gus looks like an actual kid. Wearing sneakers and his tie isn't perfect. He's a real kid, not a product. (All of the future first family kids are.)

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Legend's performance was probably the least restrained I've ever seen him. But, I mean, when you're on stage with Sheila E and you're playing THAT SONG, you'd better bring it.

Gus Walz was an absolute sweetheart. The whole Walz family, in fact. That's what it looks like when your kids still want to talk to you and be around you when they're adults.

It's funny, too, that you would bring up how deep the bench is now for Democrats. I was just talking about that with my wife last night. Back in 2020, it felt like there wasn't anyone running that I was familiar with except Biden and maybe Warren. Now it feels like the tables have turned and Republicans have absolutely NO ONE waiting in the wings.

They tried to replace Trump with DeSantis and failed. Who's left? This is what happens when you center your party around one person - especially one as narcissistic as Trump.

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Honestly, if we don’t get that cheeseburger from heaven, and if his Supreme Court keeps him out of the big sentences… Baron Von Fuckstick will just run again, no?

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I mean, probably. But he'll be 83 by then. Harris will be 65. The difference between the two would be pretty hard to ignore. I can't see it being an advantage.

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I didn’t say it would make *sense*!

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Fair point!

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I guess, but he'll probably be barely upright if still alive, I think his time is done if he doesn't win this year. More reason to throw everything at him now!

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He has really noticeably declined since he made his first run 9 years ago, in a way that President Biden, despite being older than him, has not. On top of that, I have a feeling that if he loses to Vice-president Harris, (pleasepleaseplease) it's going to have a seriously detrimental effect on both his mental and physical health. Losing to Biden was bad, but to a woman of colour? Yikes!

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Nikki Haley is plotting and scheming this very minute. Probably change her name back to Nimarata before 2028.

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I don't doubt that Junior or Ivanka is going to make a run at it. And the thing is, they'll have a decent shot at it because the GOP is all in for Trump.

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I'm skeptical they would be able to pick up his mantle. They might be his kids, but none have whatever nasty, lightening in a bottle he has that his base so loves.

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They could try, but agreed about not being able to keep the cult entranced. Jr is already toast because Sr treats him like crap. Clearly he's not to be valued if Sr doesn't value him. And they probably see Ivanka in a sexual way as well, she's only good for that, not good for politics.

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Ivanka also seems to have been conspicuous by her absence this time around, no? First time around she was all sharp elbows to be at the front, but I don't even remember seeing her at the RNC.

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Yeah with don senior, that stupid reality show made him a star with the maga base. Plus, they think he’s a really smart businessman because of the apprentice. What a joke, don’t think any of the kids will have success but maybe the daughter-in-law Lara, is hoping for at least big grifting opportunities.

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It really is telling. Biden stepped down, Harris stepped up, and there was immediately a list of like a dozen totally viable VP picks. There are a lot of people doing good work, connecting with people, etc.

You are totally right about the GOP centering around one person. And he's an old convicted felon who has sucked all the oxygen out of the room. They've got a couple of congressional reps who get media attention, but usually for being batshit crazy or being investigated. The last VP bolted after they tried to kill him. The current VP nominee is a black hole of bad press.

I hope hitching everything they've got to trump is the downfall of the party, and maybe something less horrific will crawl out of the ashes, but I doubt it.

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I don't like being cynical, even though I frequently am and my reading & listening material often is. The track record for proto-fascist movements, once they take root in the mainstream, slinking off to irrelevancy without significant beat-downs in either the law or through violence . . is not good.

I'm an out-of-shape middle aged man with a family. I won't be able to man the barricades or do more than vote and encourage others to do so. But until this moment of right-wing insanity passes, I'm keeping my gun.

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Walz' speech was SO good. I had some teary eyes watching his son react, what an amazing moment. Bill Clinton made me nervous at first, he seems so, so old and halting with his speech. But, true to form, he got some good zingers in and went far too long, bless him.

Why does CNN have a republican talking head there to bring down the mood with Anderson Cooper et al? Everybody on that panel basically ignores him, and he sounds like a wet blanket in a room full of joy. Jeeezus.....

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Aug 22Edited

I've been watching on C-Span without any talking heads and it is an absolute joy. Highly recommend.

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I was watching it on the DNC livestream. I agree, no commentary is needed!

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Even watching some of the recap commentary this morning just immediately turned me off. Like...why? I don't want to hear any of you people! Nothing you say sounds like actual humans reacting to this stuff! None of my text chains or online conversations sound like what you "experts" and "pundits" are saying. Blech!

We're not going back, indeed.

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PBS, with David Brooks. At least Brooks unhesitatingly hates Trump.

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Brooks is one of the old school republicans that dislike Trump saying the quiet parts out loud. He may agree with him on policy, but is disgusted by his lack of morals which made him a paraiah in the party.

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I downloaded the Cspan app and watched it all in they platform lastnight…problem solved 😉

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I've been sticking with CSpan for the whole DNC. Definitely the best way.

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I might try this! Also nice to support CSpan, haha.

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I had MSNBC on for part of it, and they had Reince Priebus come on and all he did was whine and try to shit on the joy. Why?

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Priebus, even before this moment, was an enthusiastic joy-killer and whiner - in short, an unelected party hack. First he was the Wisconsin GOP's chair, and then nationally for 3 terms. Priebus is the chairman of the host committee for the 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. (wiki) It takes a special vicious hack for those jobs.

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I really like MSNBC for the most part, but their insistence on bringing GOP hacks on to provide commentary--usually without pushback--is infuriating. If I wanted stale MAGA talking points I'd just lock my TV on Fox...at least there you get what you pay for.

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It's kinda funny and kinda infuriating to watch legacy media try to critically nickel-and-dime this convention when it's basically been pure box office since it opened. I've been watching political conventions since '92, and while there have been higher highs, I have never seen a convention that has been this high quality and on-message wire to wire.

Reading the New York Times coverage has been like seeing somebody scrape the absolute bottom of the barrel for hairsplitting criticism and trying their absolute hardest to perform skeptical aloofness while having their hair blown back by the biggest political rock concert in our lifetimes.

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This also goes for NPR. I was ranting at the car radio again this morning.

Trying. So. Very. Hard.

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I also gotta say, I love how Gus's tie is not on perfect. He looks like an actual kid wearing a suit. It's so endearing.

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Well, I'm the opposite in that I hated Bill Clinton in the 90s, grudgingly accepted that he was an OK president while being a terrible man, and as we've learned more over the years I've gone back to thinking he wasn't really a very good president either. I thought his speech last night was rambling at best and I was with the Bluesky people who commented that actually he showed Biden was aging quite well in comparison. I hope this was his last DNC speech. Hillary's the 21st century Clinton. Bill is out of date.

That grumpiness aside, Wes Moore! Loved him! And everything else on this list.

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After 8 years of Reagan and 4 years of Bush senior, Bill Clinton kind of came out of nowhere and became a hero to lots of very depressed democrats. He tapped into the “real American white male with a southern accent” demographic that had turned republican under Reagan and we needed to ever get back to the White House. His personal life antics probably gave us bush jr and I will never forgive him for that but we needed him in the 1990’s and some good things got done.

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Oh, I know, I lived it! But I’m Catholic enough that the infidelity was disqualifying for me even then. (Oddly, it’s the only part of Catholicism that ever stuck!) I felt like if he couldn’t keep a vow, why should we trust him to keep an oath of office?

And I despised NAFTA. And DADT. And DOMA. And the crime bill. But it was better than Reagan.

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Personal life stuff has become a lot more important in the last 20 years. I mean George Bush Junior had a blameless personal life, but he still was terrible. And God knows JFK would’ve never been elected.

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That obsession about candidates' personal lives really has to go. Do you fuk goats? Hmm. But you support national health care? I'm voting for you. Meanwhile, be gentle with the goats.

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Haha. Yeah, if it consensual between two adults I’m okay. There can be big power imbalances with politicians (and lots of other bigwigs) so on the whole I think it makes things less messy but again bush jr and Reagan were devoted husbands but put into place terrible policies that made life a lot worse for lots of people.

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Oprah has given us Dr Phil and Dr Oz. She has a LOT to atone for.

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Plus a very large platform for Jenny McCarthy's antivax bullshit. And a whole hell of a lot of dangerous woo.

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I don't know why, but I found John Legend to be a little cringe-inducing. I think it's because Prince was naturally sexy and it felt forced with John. Like he was trying to give face and it was not great. For me.

I loved the appearance of the football team for Walz. And his family and the love they all showed for each other was amazing. I may have teared up (a lot).

Wes Moore did not come to play!!! I know Buttigieg is good and I know Shapiro is good, but that's the first time I've seen Moore and listen, it was excellent! Very impressed with all of our younger folks.

Oprah was great.

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I watched Bill Clinton’s first major DNC speech, in 1984, when I thought “ who’s this guy?” And “when will he be done talking?” He had a 15 minute slot and he talked for 35 minutes. He was impressive, though, and it must have really brought him nationwide attention.

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This was the first thing Obama was compared to in his speech to the 2004 DNC.

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I remember being absolutely electrified by that speech. I remember turning to my husband during Obama's speech in 04 and saying, "You just watch - that man will be President in 08 or 12." I am so happy I was right.

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I watched pretty much the whole broadcast and I have no issues with your ranking. The Republicans could never hope to put up that much talent and depth in a week, let alone on one night. I have to give a shout out to Stevie, though. He is only four years younger than Clinton and just funked up the place. Gotta reach the higher ground!

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