It’s been those of those weeks where the bastards are just grinding me down. There are so many callous fuckface republicans out there facing no consequences, following no rules, just doing whatever the fuck. It’s hard to feel anything but pessimism right now, which is what their disgusting pig-selves want (apologies to pigs), so I don’t want to give them that, but, Jesus. Shut up and die, you obsolete trolls.

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I went to high school with his son and, if you can believe it, he's also gigantic piece of shit. He got clocked in the head by one of the nicest kid's in my grade because of some political comments he made. He was also furious that one of the handful of POC's at my school got into a college he didn't get into and blamed in on affirmative action. He's is a 100% PAB.

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I am absolutely not shocked by this. The rotten apple doesn't fall far from the rotten tree.

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May 17·edited May 17

This is why voting matters. Alito and Thomas spent most of their careers on the Court's fringe and were mostly irrelevant until Trump handed them the majority. Presidential elections are important of course but so is every other level of government - it wasn't Trump that did this, it was the Senate. Dems worried about civility, McConnell focused on setting up conservatives in a way that it effectively doesn't matter if they win elections anymore, because they've got the courts for a generation.

You can tell yourself both parties are the same, but you know you'd be full of shit if you did.

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Exactly. Every pundit and Hollywood star and uninformed idiot/pretend social activist on social media that says “they’re both the same”, they gave us this and seem determined to give us the same sh*tshow again. Trump ushered in a senate majority and got to pick and get three more rightwing judges on the Supreme Court. He motivated a lot of people to vote and they continue to love his racist, hateful rhetoric and next time around we’ll get a NATIONAL abortion ban and millions of immigrants separated or deported and climate change laws thrown out and lots more. So every blue stater who thinks they can stay home or vote third party is contributing to the absolute downfall of this country. I’ve got 500 letters I’m sending to red state voters, I’m contributing as much as I can and getting out the vote in November is vital.

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Tell that to Cardi B, who just said she's refusing to vote for Biden.

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If one of Ginni Thomas's neighbors put up a "Fuck Trump" yard sign, I'd bet she'd take down her flag and promptly hoist a noose on her flagpole.

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What a rotten family. How nice to throw his wife under the bus.

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"family values"

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"Only the best people"

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Thanks for being one of the only people/places I've seen discuss this that goes into the actual flag code and history of it's use. I know what they're going for but simply calling it the "Stop The Steal" flag is needlessly inflammatory, especially when it's a freaking SC Justice who just led the way on stripping women of a fundamental right and is threatening more with every case brought before him. As for actually making the changes we need to hold them accountable (or at the very least making sure they have recuse themselves from cases like this where there's a clear conflict) people need to vote in numbers not just to make sure Biden wins but that he has comfortable majorities in both chambers. So... same as 2020, only somehow more frightening if it goes the other way this time.

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I mean come on... How many times are the Democrats gonna pull this shit. Obama had the house of representatives, the senate and the white house and the only thing he did of substance was make sure there was no single payer option and drone bomb middle eastern people. The democrats are not going to save you, they choke you to death while they say they feel really sad about it. Just look at the genocide in Gaza, Gaza IS BEING FLATTENED and you have "Vote blue no matter who" weirdos saying it'll be worse under Trump... Bitch how will it be worse!!!

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Saying you don't see how it could get worse on domestic or foreign matters shows a staggering lack of historical knowledge, imagination, or just any information on the explicit plans of the Republican party. If you have an argument for how supporting Trump or republican electoral victories is the preferable option I'd be genuinely interested in hearing it. But especially when hearing false equivalence and single issue (non-)voter talk, I'm skeptical.

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Both are shitshows in foreign policy (on a different scale, because Trump would hand Ukraine on a silverplatter to Russia, which is definitely also a Genozid) but one -TRUMP -would make YOUR OWN country a fascist dictatur.

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Trump would put American Troops on the ground to slaughter the Palestinians, for starters. It can ALWAYS get worse. But also, he would make life worse for almost every single American besides the straight white evangelicals, and if you don't care about that then clearly you don't care about your fellow Americans at all and are simply virtue signaling about a conflict on the other side of the planet that doesn't affect you at all.

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"All of the standards of decency that we held previous leaders to have gone flying out the window."

I noted elsewhere today that it's the 7th anniversary of the Muller appointment. Back when there was a hope that enough of the Republican Party remained to remove the criminal cancer inside it.

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I know Martha Ann Alito. She is a right wing bigot. She and her husband are rabid Catholics who care more for their ideology than our Country. It's shameful.

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This is absurd, Trump is going to win because Biden lost the youth vote, the black vote, the middle eastern vote and he has lost a shit load of democrats who want the genocide to stop. If his demented Zionist genocidal ass gave even half a shit about winning or improving the lives of the average American even a little then he might win, but he doesn't and he won't.

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May 18·edited May 18

If you’re undermining Joe Biden on the ridiculous pretext that he’s some kind of genocidal Zionist, then you are part of the danger described in this article. Biden has made the US economy the strongest in the world and done innumerable things to improve life for the average American. He strengthened Obamacare, is rebuilding and greening our infrastructure and has overseen the first relative gains in wealth for bottom-half Americans in a lifetime, even accounting for global inflation. He also just completed a pontoon bridge to deliver aid to the Palestinian population he supposedly wants to kill.

And if you’re truly concerned about the suffering of innocents, let’s not forget that Hamas publicly celebrates the death of Palestinian children as martyrs to the jihadist fantasy of Islamic rule in Israel and beyond. And that they use helpless civilians as human shields because they know, for all its many flaws, the mainstream public in the US and Israel is against indiscriminate killing, even though you obviously can’t say the same about Hamas.

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