Is this feeling... is this hope? Is this, maybe, even enthusiasm?

As I told my husband last night, I am going to be angry for a long time at what the media and certain members of the party did to Joe Biden. He deserved better. And people like Jamie Raskin (who I have voted for in various positions for over a decade!) are going to have to do a hell of a lot to earn back my respect and trust.

But seeing the Democratic party pivot and rally so decisively behind VP Harris has been inspiring. I'm one of the 1 million people who has already donated to her campaign, and I'm probably going to set up a smaller recurring donation for the course of the campaign. It feels good to have something to hope for.

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Jeff Tiedrich's take on it everyone falling in line:

"Joe Biden remains a master at doing politics. Dark Brandon dark-brandoned the shit out of his passing of the torch. clearly, this wasn’t a spur-of-the-moment decision. Joe had to have worked behind the scenes to shore up this much immediate support for Kamala. he made sure not one word of any this leaked. he timed the announcement of his decision so that Donny and the Republicans spent the entire convention running against the wrong candidate."


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His substack is great as well.

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Hope is contagious.

Obama hit on this, and Harris would be a fool to let it slide away. She's got to know what a rare boon she's been handed and be determined not to squander it.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

Personally, I think Trump's biggest mistake with Vance is that the loudmouth bully who loves belittling people slot is already fully occupied by Trump himself. It's why Pence was a good choice. He was absolutely dreadful and evil in his own creepy way, but he occupied a sort of respectability niche that did a little balance out Trump's relentless boorishness. Vance is just shitty Trump. Having two venomous bullies on the ticket is too much.

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Pence was Trump's fig leaf to the traditional Republican party. After the Jan 6 debacle, where Pence wouldn't violate the stupid constitution to keep ol' Two Scoops in power Trump was determined to get the bootlickingest of toadies.

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Shittier Trump.

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CNN has a terrible "analysis" article about Harris up already with warning signs about her campaign. Those warning signs are Republicans don't like her, and Trump is going to say horrible and racist things about her. So, you know status quo.

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Yeah, tried to listen to the Pod Save guys but all they did was talk about Biden, and how hard this was on him, and how her polling numbers are still not good.

Methinks the white boys have a problem.

Fuck it. I voted for Biden BECAUSE of Harris. My 62 year old white guy from Boston partner asked me to fire up ActBlue for him and gave her a hefty donation. We can win this without knee jerk white supremacists/institutionalists and the white ladies who love them. There are more POC, young people, old lefties like us, and not-insane people who want to prevent dystopia than there are of them. As Jeff Sharlet, the historian of the modern right wing, tweeted yesterday "This feels like our chance to break the spine of fascism for a generation."

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I’m tired of those asshats.

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NYT also continues to be awful with a dream casting of 10 candidates by a scale of "exciting and electable." They rated her an average of 4.6 electable and a 5.7 exciting. AFTER people had donated $100 million to her campaign in a single day.

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If she was a man none of this would be happening. They are more interested in what white guy she is going to pick for VP than they are in her.

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Trump has been their golden goose, the guy who gets them clicks and eyeballs for almost 10 years and who keeps cable news and some newspapers alive. They’re scared for him to go away. As a national journalist friend said to me in 2016 “trump’s terrible for the country, but great for journalism.” Ugh.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

One thing I do not want to do (Dustin I am not alleging you are doing this) is with our 2020 fancasting forgetting how close that was, how much history and insanity had to be fought against, and how unusual was a success like that, flipping the Senate in TWO runoff seats! Joe Biden was the best choice and did well, we are lucky he was our president. The man came out of retirement to save us from fascism, and now he gave up the keys to the kingdom to keep saving us. Give the mofo a monument. Bigun.

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Just a reminder to keep ignoring the polls! I really don't give a flying fuck what they say, cause my enthusiasm's more than enough to keep me rollin through November. In her speech she said she has prosecuted rapists and con men "so she knows Donald Trump's type." Shit like that gets under his skin to the point he calls himself a "very fine young man" on his fail-social media site. Keep hitting him Harris. You've got my vote. *insert gif of her dancing with the youths*

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I saw that "very fine young man" line. He's already trying to set up defenses against the "too old to run" bombs they've been throwing at Biden since the begining.

Not so much fun now, eh?

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Wait, he calls himself a "very fine YOUNG man?"

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He said Harris "has absolutely terrible pole numbers against a fine and brilliant young man named DONALD J. TRUMP!"

(and yes, he misspelled poll while calling himself brilliant)

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Would not be surprised if some of the big donors are looking at trump and thinking we will keep Vance it’s the old angry doddering fool that is our nominee that needs to go. They’ve spent the past year talking about Biden being too old and too senile, oops now that description fits their guy perfectly.

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Which is frightening, because Vance is even more extreme than Trump. And he is an election denier, so wouldn't have done what Pence did on Jan 6th....

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Much like you, it was between Harris and Warren for me in 2020. I liked Buttigieg, but I thought he was a little too green at the time (concerns that have since evaporated for me).

I ended up caucusing for Warren (before the Iowa Democratic Party fucked it all up) because, to me, she was going to go after corruption and make big buisness pay their fair share. In mind mind, that fight against corruption was a 1-to-1 when compared to the last 4 years of the Trump presidency.

That said, Warren feels less vital to me now. I think she may have missed her window. Harris *is* the moment and I'm ready to elect her in November.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

A little too green is an understatement. I like Pete but he'd been Mayor of a city of just 100,000 people, it's a huge leap to the Presidency from running a mid-sized city. And while being Sec of DOT is a leadership role, it's still a pretty fantastical jump to then running the free world. It seems Trump has broken all our sense of the deep level of experience that should be a required (in my mind) prerequisite to being POTUS!

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Agree, Pete is a phenom at communicating, but he doesn't have a lot of actual government experience yet. He needs to get to Congress or be a governor somewhere for a while, and I have no doubt he will.

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4 years in the Biden administration helps that too. I'd like to see him hold a higher office as well, and then take another run at POTUS someday.

In 2020 I voted for Warren in the primary, Harris was a close second, but by the time my state's primary rolled around, Biden was well ahead and it didn't matter much. Warren seemed like she had solid plans for so many things, it pushed her ahead of Harris for me. I know there was some problematic stuff, there always is unfortunately, but it kind of surprises me how much she's dropped out of the national spotlight.

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I'm not sure how much traction it will get, but they're really hammering the line of "see, Joe IS old and senile and incapable, that's why he dropped out, and Kamala knew it, and she led the Democrat Party in hiding it from the good and honest citizens of the US of A". I use my mom as kind of a barometer -- she's never voted Republican in her life and would call herself a politically engaged liberal, and she's educated and intelligent, but she watches CNN and local news and Fox ("just the news parts of it!") and only talks to other old "liberal" white ladies, and my mom has definitely repeated that Kamala Harris needs to answer for "hiding" Biden's true mental capacity for so long. That's the word Republicans are putting out, and dollars to donuts Mike Johnson holds hearings about it, which generate soundbites, and there you go, that's Kamala Harris's "but her emails".

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Biden's Covid-free now and heading back to the White House, so hopefully his return to being a functional president will put a lot of that to rest. It will be interesting to see how his address about stepping down from candidacy goes tomorrow; that could really destroy all this momentum if it's bad in some way.

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That’s interesting but I don’t think it’ll catch on, nor does it have the oomph that emails did. The GOP has no party line yet. They’ll keep trying things and I bet your mom both stops talking about it soon and will fall in line.

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Sucks, but that’s a line of thought thats fair. There aren’t going to be any real answers for years, but Kamala has to have a lock solid response.

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Spread it:

J.D. Vance *IS* caffeine free Diet Mountain Dew.

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Yeah...I'm excited. I love Joe Biden even more for stepping down and making sure he got to promote her. His career is a fascinating, real time look into a man changing with the times, for the better.

I donated yesterday b/c I was hoping it would be huge, didn't think it would be that huge. I have hope now!

Up next I figure out the best way to spend my time helping get Kamala Harris elected. It's well past time we had a woman in the White House.

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Also the polls today showing Black people going for Donald Trump at 30 percent have to be wrong. That is just not mathing.

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We know it's significant, maybe 1:10 black men, but 30% overall?

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Yeah I’m like that seems high.

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Kamala has that rizz, as the kids say. Most weren’t old enough to remember how good she was in confirmation hearings. Now clips of her dog walking Brett Kavanaugh are all over TikTok. She reminds me of my mom, in that my mom can also interrogate the hell outta someone. (To be fair, my mom was an actual Interrogator.) Both her and Harris can make a man’s testicles retreat in fear with one prolonged glare. Just glare at them and watch them ba-deep-da-dee like Porky Pig until they tell the truth. I love that shit! Having descended from a long line of ball breakers, Kamala Harris has my sword.

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The only weak ass line Trump has for Harris so far is calling her "dumb as a rock". This was in the same post where he said she has no shot because of "pole numbers". Let's please keep it together like this for the next three months and get rid of this mind numbingly dumb piece of shit once and for all.

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Trump is a 20 kilowatt incandescent projector - he *knows* Harris is way smarter than him and he's terrified.

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"...we’ll never know how well she might have done in South Carolina. If she had held it together long enough for the party to pivot from Bernie to the center, she might have done very well in that state and gone on to compete with Biden." Nevermind that Jim Clyburn orchestrated Biden's victory there which led to his nomination, which led to his win, which led to his accomplishments... Anyway...

100% behind Harris. I like her and I think she SHOULD win. She deserves it. It shouldn't even be close. I'm loving the energy around her and the excitement, especially from young people. Loving the FU to big money donors. David Hogg said he raised something like $250,000 from the under 30 set for Harris. This is what I want to continue to hear because their vote will make a difference. That fundraising map on last night's PL post is exciting too if accurate, especially for states like FL. Might it mean...? A few more things need to happen for me to be cautiously optimistic. Things that have nothing to do with Harris.

You're right. 2024 is a different animal and in some ways it feels like endgame. It's like the universe is saying, all right, you're either going to do this or you're done because I'm tired of all y'all.

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I don't want to make this about TFG, but he's not the same candidate he was in 2020 either. He's no longer an unknown wildcard, the world witnessed first hand what he did with his administration, what he's threatening to do with another. January 6. Roe. 34 felony convictions, massive judgements against him. He's draining the coffers to pay his legal bills. He's also 4 years older and now looks ancient next to Kamala Harris, and chose a VP that energizes no one who wasn't already for him.

To pivot back to Harris, the support shown for her has energized me. I had donated to Biden a few weeks ago, and Sunday night donated to Harris. I'm going to do some Postcards to Voters cards this week too. Let's go!

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I hope this means younger people will get out and vote.

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I have to think younger turn out will be better than before. A whole generation of young women just watched their rights be taken away.

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