It is the height of galling that Secretary Mayorkas has to sit there and be lectured by the likes of that wretched sack of rhinoceros dung. I want ONE person who she treats like that to tell her to fuck all the way off.

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MTG comparing the inauguration to January 6 made my normally docile wife almost have a coronary.

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It's not that the GOP is embarrassing it's that they're embarrassing us on the international stage repeatedly and in ways that make it impossible to ignore ushering in the postmodern stage of international politics. Everyones circling wagons and it's scary. The nazi adjacent folks being close to 25% in the EU votes is also terrifying.

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Don't forget that Scalise is getting stem cell treatment for his cancer, which he has repeatedly voted against.

Rule for thee but not for me. Always.

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I hope a pundit has the gits to ask him about that.

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7

My rep, the thoroughly sub-average Mike Lawler, voted for impeachment along with MTG. We’re a Biden +10 district. Fucking *moron*. I have to call his office and taunt him later today. (We *were* +20 before the NY redistricting disaster.)

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I hope he gets voted out. This whole thing is upsetting. My redacted agency is so pissed because we don’t have a damn budget but this is what they are doing. And I hope the Senate just votes no on this stupid shit and we can all go home. But Matt Gaetz and then saying we find Trump did not commit an insurrection!! Like what is happening. Sorry. My blood has been boiling for a week over this crap.

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Gaetz is such a creep. “Trump didn’t commit an insurrection because I like him!” Jesus when will his trafficking-ass get locked up.

I don’t think Lawler has much of a shot. He only won because of profound political malpractice from Sean Patrick Maloney, who basically didn’t campaign, and also managed to lose the House almost entirely on the back of flipped districts in NY.

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Okay good.

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Why are we surprised that a group of people who voted 15 times before electing a speaker doesn't know how to count votes?

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They're the victims of their own education policies cause I have serious doubts MTG or Boobert can count past 10.

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So those 3 R defectors purposely did this to tank Mike Johnson, yes? I mean, that's how I read it. They said they'd vote Yes, they ended up voting No, all in a bid to get this guy voted out.

They are so, so bad at this, and if it wasn't messing up our country in innumerable and irreversible ways, I would pop some corn, sit back and watch with glee while they punch themselves in the face. But it's all in service to that f'ing orange cockroach, an investment that NEVER EVER pays off. What will it take for these people to learn. Seriously. I'm asking. Because a heaping scoop of pain is what gets most people to learn a tough lesson, but they keep trucking along doing their same old shit, and it rarely pans out. So what will it take.

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If I remember correctly, there was one hold out (don't remember who) that was known beforehand. And then there was another who voted no and changed his vote to yes once he saw that it wouldn't pass even with his yes vote.

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I think it was Ken Buck that publicly said he was voting no.

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They did.

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Whoops sorry hit enter. I think Johnson is embarrassed cause they screwed up both things they brought but tried to blame Democrats for the Israel legislation. Apparently Warren Buffet’s son just gave Ukraine $500 million.

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The shortsightedness on the Ukraine thing makes me crazy. Beating back Putin is so, so crucial, and if we don't, the future investment will be in the trillions. People think we're just sending money to Ukraine and it evaporates (a la Iraq pallets of money), but the bulk of it comes back around to US companies (is my understanding, someone who has the inside scoop can fact check me here). This is a STIMULUS package. But no, we have an idiotic population that ONLY sees Ls and Ws, and what's actually good for the entire country gets lost in the shuffle. Thank you, Reagan, both Bushes, Gingrich and Trump. I hope they all rot in hell for dumbing down this country and turning politics into a football game.

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I don’t know if this qualifies me for a tinfoil hat but I think more than a few GOP Congressfolks are getting significant financial support from ol’ Vladimir.

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And now Tucker Carlson is interviewing Putin ... where's a thunderbolt when you need one?

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Just heard (on npr) some idiot at the border who’s part of some moronic caravan ranting about keeping criminals out and how we’re throwing money at Ukraine and they’re killing “Russians”. It’s all very confusing because right wing nut jobs have been told that Russians are good and Ukrainians bad. Ugh this country.

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I’m so disgusted and the fact that Green will be impeachment manager is awful.

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Until he became speaker, I had no idea what an execrable, scrotastic theocrat Mike Johnson is. His unbridled MAGA hypocrisy is inhuman. He is deserving of a kick in the dick and a punch in the throat every damn day.

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Look at this skidmark.


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That - is - wild.

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So...Is there a way to make it so only people who want to work for 'the people' can become politicians?

I think taking the money out of it would really help. Get rid of Citizens United and all the fundraising. Make lobbying illegal too. Basically, make it so only people who are do-goody, progressive, not greedy, law and history dorks want the jobs.

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Fixing the border is the only thing they have to run on and their own candidate told them not to do it so HE can run on it. What are these guys going to tell their constituents back home? Are they going to sit on this for 10 months? They can try to impeach Biden but then what? It won't make it past the Senate, assuming they can even get enough votes in the House. Which I'm guessing they can't. They can't run on abortion because it keeps blowing up in their face. That leaves, what, book bans? Going after public schools? You've got a guy in Oklahoma that wants to make sexting a crime!

They can't even impeach the guy who works for Biden and I guarantee swing voters don't even know who this guy is. So they can bitch about Hunter Biden for the next 10 months and just kind of hope something turns up between him and his father or hope the economy collapses. Those are kind of their only options right now.

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The whole system is really broken when the only "path to victory" for a political party is the country getting demonstrably worse.

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I know the house in particular and congress in general is in love with these melodramatic antics, but between John McCain and today's episode perhaps we can get to a point where it doesn't require reps to violate post op rules just to stop idiotic votes?

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7

Thanks for that visual. lol

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Congress has become a clown car


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I mentioned this article to my husband, who follows the news more than I do and who I asked what screwup the GOP might have recently made. He had no idea what it could be in reference to and I said, "Well, the headline makes a centipede reference."

Our nine-year-old eagerly began pestering me for details and sharing centipede facts and explaining how they are different from millipedes. I had to quickly google the joke about the centipede still putting his shoes on in order to deflect.

If she ever frickin' falls asleep, I'm sure he'll razz me about it.

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Math is hard!

- Mike "Republican Barbie" Johnson

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