Oh sh*t. Manchin just announced he won't run for re-election and he vows to work to unite the middle.... Is this f%%^er getting ready for a 3rd party run? YES he is! He confirmed that he's getting ready to start a "listening tour." FU%K!!!

As far as Scott. That's not his girlfriend. Just kidding. I couldn't care less. I loathe him.

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No labels is straight spoliery for Trump. It's straight up too late to be on the ballot in all 50 states. Here's to hoping people pay attention.

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I certainly hope this is true. At least he won't pull progressives, or young people, but I'm not sure about the independents who think "both are bad." *waves hands in the air* If he pulls people who were never going to vote for Biden again anyway then I suppose it's a wash.

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Too late? Oh, hell no. He'd be running as an independent. Most states have a six month or less deadline for the general election ballot if not one of the 2 major parties.

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Who cares honestly? Between Manchin getting the republicans that call themselves democrats and RFK getting the insane conspiracy crowd and also the republicans that call themselves democrats, I'm not worried about that coal deepthoating piece of shit splitting off votes from Biden.

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You forgot to include Jill Stein who announced she is running again, today. Because why wouldn't she....

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I predict that with the polls showing unpopular TFG and Biden are, we're going to be up our asses in 3rd parties and independents.

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Oh ffs.

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I don't care about Scott's personal life but I wish he'd consider gum contouring.

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I laughed in spite of myself.

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I laughed too.

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I mean, he probably won't even qualify to be at the next debate but the fact that he's "dating" a White woman is going to piss off a percentage of Black and White voters.

Now, do I care if he or Lindsay Graham are queen? Damn fucking right I do. But only because of the roles they've played in passing draconian laws that discriminate against LGBTQ people and the effects said laws have had on our queen youth. Just Like I cared that Aaron Schock was finally outed and exposed for his hypocrisy.

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Ugh...stupid autocorrect changes queer to queen...

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“Confirmed bachelor” is such a weird euphemism. It sounds like there’s a governmental agency auditing people’s claims to bachelordom.

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Someone sent fentanyl to election offices in Washington and Georgia. So this is where we are now. Republicans just straight up trying to kill election officials when they lose.


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This is a fascinating demonstration of how untrue narratives wind their way through various systems. I don’t like the attempt at domestic terrorism, but also … fentanyl? Someone has been reading a lot of police hand wringing about how it’s so dangerous for officers to physically touch, blue lives matter, etc.

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and the letter that was supposedly included claimed to be fighting the right and ended with a trans flag, anti-fascist logo, and a... pentagram? Okay bro.

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Talk about trying too hard.

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You beat me to it.

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Thank you. I don't care if he's queer, still a virgin, or hetero, anymore than I care whether Lindsay Graham is queer. As long as it's consensual, go for it. What I care about their nasty politics and how they are actively hurting people.

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She looks like Anne Coulter’s less cranky, more likable sister. You don’t have to know anything about her to assume she’s more likable than Anne Coulter - and I won’t mention her name a third time, lest she appear in a cloud of smoke.

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At least she's age-appropriate.

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Meanwhile, Dean Phillips is claiming that the Dem primary system is rigged (because moving the first primary from NH is somehow voter suppression, because he claims he's being suppressed from being on the ballot as a candidate and because there is no debate).

Also, he can fuck off with this: “My ethos is team of rivals....Never Trumpers, Bernie bros, moderates, independents. This is time for the most extraordinary coalition in American history to unify behind the preservation of the great American experiment.”

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Well, I agree that this "is time for the most extraordinary coalition in American history to unify behind the preservation of the great American experiment"--but we do that by voting for Biden, not by engaging with some ridiculous glamour campaign.

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This will surely be the thing that gets Republican voters to accept a black "moderate" as a candidate for President.


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Right? Cameron tried that by appealing to trumpers in Kentucky and found out that going all in and marrying a white woman (I have no issue with that, just making a point) did not make him respectable enough for the thousands of Kentuckians (is that the term) who would NEVER vote for a black man. He already was loathed by black folks who didn't forget he wouldn't bring charges against the cops who killed Breonna Taylor. But sure, keep trying to trot out any ol' black person with an R in front of their name thinking black folks are stupid and will fall in line.

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The fact that we have a moment to set aside for discussing Scott's personal life is telling in and of itself…

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She’s a real person, but she is not his real girlfriend.

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