
I have voted for Dick Durbin a lot in my years in Chicago and I have typically really liked him - but his failure as the chair of the senate judiciary to do ANYTHING beyond mealy-mouthed requests for either Alito or Thomas is infuriating. I’m calling him daily and hoping some younger democrats with a spark steps into his seat in 2026, provided we still have a semi-functioning democracy then. BRB - upping my monthly donation to Biden

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The far right's appropriation of every revolutionary war flag you care to identify pisses me off to no end.

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Fuck revolutionary flags it annoys me they coopted the American flag period! I used to rock a cheesy american flag tank top on the 4th of July or even have one hanging from my porch. Now whenever I see one I cringe, usually cause it's accompanied by 5 other flags with variations of "fuck biden" and "maga."

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And eagles, damn it.

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Could not agree more! I grew up in a small town, we had a big Fourth of July parade and festival, the whole nine yards. I was proud to wave my flag. No more. I just did a search to see if there are any anti-maga flags I could fly with it. Nope, just ULTRA maga. Because of course.

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May 23·edited May 23

Same thing in Canada. We're not really the flag-waving types you are in the US. To the extent it exists here it's almost always been a small-town thing (and I mean true "small-town" not suburb of a large city), but its generally seen to be harmless patriotism.

However, since we had our "Free-Dum" convoy a couple of years back its mostly been-co-opted by that crowd so if I do see a flag, especially on a vehicle, I tend to assume its one of those chuds now so its not something I view positively anymore.

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Maybe its time to adjust the nomenclature - this isn't the "far right" anymore - this is dead centre of current right-wing ideology which itself has shifted further right over the years.

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Biden's admin announced yesterday that he has now nominated 200 federal judges. to successful appointments. TFG (The Farty Guy) set a record by appointing 237, most of whom are openly hostile to "wokeism" and soulless, because Mitch McConnell and Chuck Grassley were intent on starting a bonfire to burn down the whole joint (remember how 13 "non-political" federal judges recently stepped out and published a letter declaring they will never hire grads from Columbia Law School?).

The article I read said it's not likely Biden will get the chance to eclipse that number before the end of his first term, even if fuckwad Joe Manchin were willing to stop being a dick. We HAVE TO work to make sure TFG never gets to appoint another judge and also keep even a tiny majority in the senate.

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SCOTUS is going to be a disaster for the rest of my life. I'd like for it not to be disaster for my children's lives. Vote Dem at all levels for all candidates. Vote in Dem primaries to get better candidates. Do not listen to Republicans, do not accept that there are "good" Republicans, do not argue or reason with Republicans. Just vote them out.

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I mean we all knew already there was no such thing as a moderate republican left. Trump calls these spineless blobs' wives ugly, says he would have sex with his own daughter, has promised to serve more than one more term if elected. These are the things he's saying out loud and the party is still lining up behind him. I'm done pretending people that militant in the literal sense about the dogma of party over country are patriotic in any sense of the word. They've been rotten to the core since Nixon (and probably further,) and can all rot.

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Don't forget the Great Reich or whatever Fascism 2.0 thing he said the other day. I'm just waiting for a terrible Hitler mustache at this point. Possibly the only thing that could make his visage more repellent.

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May 24·edited May 24

He even does that to Republicans who aren't moderate. Ted Cruz is no one's idea of a moderate. Trump called his wife ugly, and he barely took up for her before inevitably bending the knee and has been his lap dog ever since

Rubio too - I supposed by GOP standards he was once a "moderate" but the day he discovered ambition, that all went out the window. Trump basically called him out for having small dick and all Rubio could do was say "yes sir may I have another" and to this day continues to be his lapdog.

Its so funny that to me that the GOP is so fixated on "traditional masculinity" when that whole party has essentially been willingly cuckolded by Trump. I mean that literally - if Trump demanded they hand over their wives to him for one night each - for Cruz, to get a Supreme Court slot, or Rubio to be the VP nominee let's say, I don't know for certain that they wouldn't at least hesitate before saying no (and only saying no because their wives would likely object, not them).

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At this point it's just best to assume that anyone saying they can't vote for Democratic candidates knowing full well what will happen if republicans regain power are either republicans themselves, agitprop, or dumber than a sack of hammers. And whichever it is it's best to ignore them.

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Alioto would be a irritating embarrassing blowhard on the Supreme Court and in the minority, if EVERYONE had voted for the democratic nominee in 2016. Instead people whined and said there was no difference between the two or voted third party or just stayed home (hello 2024). But instead of the first women president, we got the worst man in America (the world?) and he got to stack the Supreme Court and we lost roe vs Wade and will continue lose big chunks of our democracy if trump wins again. My god people stop with the I’m mad about this one policy issue so I’m going to put the entire country at risk.

Haley is an opportunist who probably figures this gives her a shot at VP and becoming president when trump keels over or gets carted to jail. If he loses she becomes the “heir apparent”. Win win for good ole Nikki. (Ugh)

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May 23·edited May 23

Haley supporters were the last of the sane Republicans who actually had some principles and could see what a horrible person Trump is like the rest of us. Flip flopping on Trump at this point in history is inexcusable, guess she thinks she still has a shot at VP. Id feel pretty betrayed if I campaigned for her and she pulled this shit. Do republicans have any convictions at all?

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Stop with the notion of Haley or her supporters being "sane". Her eventually towing the line to declare she will vote for Trump was ALWAYS the end game here - she talked tough during the primaries, maybe with some weird ambition that she could impress him enough to be the VP candidate (because she never had a real shot of winning unless he was in jail) but she was always going to toe the line in the end because that's the price of being a GOPer today - unyielding fealty to Trump.

No republican who maintains any political ambitions is openly defying Trump (which as Pajiba has previously noted is the true "cancel culture" in America today).

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My boss mentioned that a friend of his did make a sizable contribution to her political campaign and is actually looking into whether or not he can sue the campaign for fraud.

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Ok, that made me laugh.

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Maybe, but she worked in his administration, she knows how he treats people he thinks aren't loyal. So should know that he would never do that after she campaigned against him.

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There was never anything sane about Haley or her supporters. She is dangerously radical in terms of her proposed policies, but has the modicum of intelligence needed to cloak that radicalism in softer language.

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One theory is that Haley is betting on TFG being convicted and possibly jailed. By endorsing him, there's more of a chance that she will be able to get some of his voters.

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Although with the classified documents trial postponed while Cannon figures out to how make the case for Trump, the Georgia case delayed, the SC slow to take up his insurrection case....it's looking like no outcomes on some of those before the election. (But bonus! The judges then gets to wash their hands and claim he had presidential immunity then and he has it again.)

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I have a neighbor who started flying the pine tree flag after J6, replacing his Trump 2020. He has since taken it down and is now flying a regular stars and stripes after a period of flying a black and orange 1776 flag in 2021.

So it doesn't surprise me at all that it's coordination amongst the Christo-Facists and, unfortunately, doesn't surprise me either than 2 of the 9 Supreme Court Justices are true believers.

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I shoulda thought about this earlier. TFG losing 15-30% in each "uncontested" primary is embarrassing to not just the furher-in-waiting, but for the party as a whole. Haley's made it clear what she thinks of him, but she's loyal to the party no matter how warped it is now. I wonder what sort of pressure the party or people put on her to endorse now than before the convention.

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Don't kid yourself - Haley's own ambition would've been enough to toe the line. Her holding out was only every about seeing if she truly had a constituency that she could leverage into a more prominent role, presumably within a Trump Presidency. I suspect she realized that wasn't going to happen so she needed to be clear with her voting declarations (whether or not she "endorses" him is irrelevant since she openly stated she will vote for him - its semantics is all) sooner rather than later to ensure she has a future in the party.

This has only ever been about Nimrata's personal ambitions and nothing else.

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Well written. No notes

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